Chapter 24

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I knew she wouldn't be at the feast, but my eyes would wander around to check. The ruckus that happened this afternoon was a clear statement that the Aristocrats are after my throne. I need to figure out a way for them to back away, especially from her. I want her to suffer but from my hands only, I can't let anyone else take that satisfaction away from me. I was on the balcony enjoying my wine while listening to Val talk to Aegeus about this gossip he heard from the nobles. I swear, he is a woman in a man's body. The music was loud so when it got quiet, I noticed right away. I heard some gasping and others were screaming, me and my comrades looked at each other as we walked past the crowd, and I wasn't sure what I was seeing. It took me a second to recognize this woman who is covered in blood. It was Lady Aristia, I felt something boil inside me as I hurried to her. I could see the fear in her eyes as she watched her maid barely breathing on the floor.

"Lady Aristia?" I called out to her, but it was like she was in a trance. She couldn't look away from her maid. Tears were streaming down her face, I could see anger and regret in her eyes. I held her arm to face me, she slowly looked away from her maid and her eyes were void. It was like she lost her humanity, she was looking at me, but she wasn't at the same time. She tilted her heart and was trying to understand how we were concerned.

"She's covered in blood! Fetch more healers!" I heard Aegeus yell at people, panic was an understatement. She's covered in blood, it was horrific.

"What happened, latria mu. Tell me" I couldn't help myself say with so much venom in my voice. She looked exhausted and she was at her wit's end.

"Assassins" she simply said but, in a whisper and that made this fire inside me ignite. Someone sent assassins to kill her, they knew she wasn't going to be at the feast. Not only that, when I had her room made. I made sure the windows didn't open all the way just enough for her to enjoy the view. She had no balcony, so they couldn't possibly come through that side of the building. They came from the front door, whoever was behind this is in this castle at this moment.

"Axel, check her room. I want the assassins alive for questioning and no one is to leave the castle. Position all the best guards on every floor and outside the castle" I said, I will catch this culprit and I will make them pay. Some healers came in and Lady Aristia refused to be touched by them, I signaled them to back away for the moment and focus on her maid. That's when another soldier can rush in.

"My lord, there were three assassins. But their dead" the young soldier said. He was looking at Lady Aristia with terror in his eyes. It can't be, she could barely kill an animal. She does not have the heart to kill a person. She then turned and looked at me with empty eyes.

"I killed them all" she said with no emotions that made me shudder. Then I could feel anger radiating from her body, I could tell she was trying her best not to lose control over her powers again. Despite the situation, she is using her head this time.

She walked past us, I was going to stop her, but I held myself back. There were a lot of people here, they were watching her every move. Scared for their lives.

"I will only say this once, whoever sent those assassins to kill me. I will find you and when I do. I will kill you, slowly" I heard gasps especially when her eyes lingered at Lady Casindra. It was an accusing look, and it was like she could finally control her powers even if it was briefly. The ground shook and rattled the castle. Everyone screamed and there was panic, but it stopped in an instant.

"That's a promise" she said and was walking towards her maid, but I could tell her legs were about to give in. So, I swiftly caught her, she was unconscious. I didn't hesitate to carry her, I could tell that the blood wasn't hers. I looked at Aegeus and understood what I meant when I gave him a nod. He took over for me and started giving out orders as I walked to my room. I didn't want her to stay in my room but right now, she needs my full protection. Whoever did this will come back, especially if their still in the castle. I'll make sure I'll catch them. I passed by Axel who was making sure no detail was overlooked in Lady Aristia's room. He acknowledged me and I kept walking. When I got inside my room, she was awake, but wasn't saying anything. I gently placed her down by one of the chairs, she was looking around and had a questioning look on her face.

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