Chapter 36

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She's good at pretending she's not freshly fucked, no one can tell as we were having dinner. She can fool everyone but me in this room. I knew what I was capable of, my past self knew what my future self would do. So, in advance I had a fresh new set of clothing for this Vixen beside me who's very much has been enjoying her conversation with her brother. She was even surprised when after that hot session in the library, I gave her a new set of clothes. Her face was bright red, every time I see her that way just makes me feel all sorts of things I can't even explain. We were having a private dinner with just us guardians, which is nice since no one is hovering over us. When it's us before she came into our lives, we have different preferences that the kitchen chef had no problem indulging. Lael hates eating all kinds of animals, but when there is no other choice, he will but he prefers not to.

The chef would make him this big bowl of different leaves and berries with a white and red sauce drizzled on top. He gets excited when he visits my kingdom mainly because of our chef. Val is a great actor, he only loves lamb. He would eat anything lamb but when his in front of everyone else he would eat anything. He doesn't like it when people point out that his tastes in food are boring.

Aegeus on the other hand loves his steak, I've been watching Aristia watch her brother eat his bloody steak and it's quite amusing. The face she makes, the way she crinkles her nose and her eyes together. I looked down on her plate and she has steak as well but when she cut into it a few minutes ago and saw the blood coming out of her medium rare steak. She placed her cutlery down and just started talking to her brother instead. I've noticed a lot of her likes and dislikes with a lot of things, even before I started having strong feelings for her. Even when I didn't want to, my brain just registers everything about her. Like now, every time she wears earrings, she can't help but rub her ears. I can tell she gets irritated with it but why does she keep wearing it then?

I've finished my food a while ago, ironically, I like fish. The chef made it very exquisite. But despite finishing my food, I stayed to enjoy everyone's company. Everything changed when Aristia came into the picture, before we even know she existed, we would eat like this but in silence or just talk about political stuff. But now, Aristia being here changed things. The boring dinner is not always boring with her around, her sarcasm and her sense of humor just makes me smile even when I hate to admit it. Lael, who is not a conversationalist just kept talking to her about everything under the sun. Her being around gave everything around her a bit lighter, everything becomes livelier.

I would train her every now and then, or the others would take the reins and looking at everyone they enjoy training this vixen.

"Can you stop looking at me like I'm a monster?!" Aegeus said to his sister who was still staring at him in disgust.

"Maybe you are, I don't even know how we're related at this point" she said, staring at his finished plate.

"I'm not a monster! I'm your brother" Aegeus said, I don't even know that was relevant.

"Unfortunately for me" Aristia countered with a huge grin on her face. That grin.

"I should have given you to the wolves" Aristia looked so offended and even gasped.

"Aegeus" I said in a warning tone, I don't want to know where this conversation was heading. His head snapped at me.

"Val, Raynar is being so protective of his little lamb" Aegeus said with a sly grin. I narrowed my eyes to him. Aristia on the other hand sank in her seat with a red face. I had to bite my lip not to laugh.

"Oh! My little lamb! I will protect you!" Val said ever so dramatically hugging Aegeus and he was covering his face and was pretending to cry.

"Raynar! Save me!" Aegeus said, flipping his hair. Aristia covered her face in embarrassment. I laughed, I couldn't help myself and when I did the table went quiet.

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