Chapter 7

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I started to feel very cold when I jolted awake and saw Lady Drea back on her feet, I smiled because she's doing okay.

"Finally awake I see" an annoying voice said, and I looked at Raynar standing as if waiting for me to wake up.

He could have just woke me up instead of waiting, what's his problem. He seems to be in a bad mood again, I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to annoy him but wait, I didn't right?

"It's okay Lady Aristia, I also just woke up Lady Drea said, and I gave her a smile. I stood up from the ground, I took my sword and made sure I had everything before we leave.

"Alright, we need to be careful going out there. If you hear something, you need to make a run for it" he said as we walked out the cave. He looked at the sun to make sure we were going in the right direction. We followed him and I made sure Lady was walking properly and she was much to my relief.

I could feel Raynar's burning stare at me and when I looked at him, he then started starring at my sword.

"What seems to be the problem, Lord Raynar?" I asked and he just ignored me and just kept walking. I was about to question him again, but he beat me to it.

"Did anyone tell you, you're using the wrong type of sword?" He asked me and I was confused because I wasn't aware there were types of swords. Despite training with my brother, he did fail in some areas when he was training me which I can't blame him for. We're both the same age and he was doing his best to teach me what he knows.

"I wasn't aware there were different types of swords" I said, and he snickered at me. Which I ignored and was looking at our surroundings, this part of the forest still doesn't look familiar. How deep did we go?

"You're using a broadsword and it doesn't match your physique nor fighting skills. A claymore sword is more suitable for you, its long, sharp and it's lightweight so it wont hinder your fighting speed" He said was actually impressive that he knows this. I mean he's been training all his life, so he should know all this.

"How do you know all these?" I asked and we were climbing this uphill ground and he turned around and helped Lady Drea up, so she doesn't have to bend her injured leg. Despite being a complete asshole, he takes protecting this realm seriously. He just ignored my question and I let it be.

"The Inferno kingdom forges all the swords all the other kingdoms have, my lady. They have the best blacksmiths and produce high quality swords for high-ranking warriors" Lady Drea explained, and I just nodded. That makes sense since that kingdom has the Fire guardian. I still feel annoyed for not being able to even make a bonfire with my abilities. It makes me think if it was better that I revealed my identity in the beginning then I would have been training by now. But if I did that then I wouldnt be able to live a normal life anymore, but was my life normal in the first place? I was hidden from everyone, and I can't practice using my powers without the fear of being found.

I've been praying to the Gods to show me the right path, but I've been presented with way too many paths to choose from, and I don't know what to do. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard something flying, we all kneeled on the ground to get out if it's sight. When I looked up it was its offspring, the smaller version of the other creature. Raynar started hitting it with his arrow and he yelled for us to keep running, I felt something was behind me and I swung my sword and I cut one of the dark creatures in half. I was shocked at first but had to recompose myself and kept running, we finally saw a flag in the sky and that is mostly where the camp for the games was set up.

"He's coming for you" I heard someone say and it took me a second to realize it was from the darkling. Their darklings, that means they answer to HIM! I felt fear and terror crept up to my body and I couldn't move, I heard yelling, but it was all muffled. If he finds me again, it's over, all the hiding and fighting I've been doing will be for nothing.

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