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In Nereria, The water kingdom. The Guardians had felt the presence of a new guardian. They traveled for days to see the birth of the water guardian. When a new guardian is born, the guardian before him will lose all his powers once the new guardian awakens his. This happens in their young adult years.

The King of Nereria, Agamemnon, welcomed them and led them to the birth chambers. All they could do was stand in front of the doors. No men are allowed in the birthing rooms to protect the queen's privacy. A lot of people were waiting for news. All the nobles from the royal council were there, including anyone with a high ranking. The guardians refrain from conversing with anyone and try to avoid showing favor to prevent arguments. They felt immense power inside the chambers when they heard the baby wail. They all stared at each other. Their gut feelings are telling them there is something ominous about the amount of power this tiny baby possessed.


"Princess Aristia! Get down from there! The King will be furious!" The Little princess had climbed the tree, and her maids were panicking that she might fall and the King would have their heads. They heard a cracking sound, and when they looked where the princess was, she was on the ground with multiple wounds.

"Help!! Guards! Fetch the royal doctor! hurry!" The head maid screamed in terror. The Princess is bathing in blood. She was pale and cold as ice; the guards carried her and ran into the hallway to the princess' room. The bleeding wouldn't stop. They tried to cover her wounds to stop the bleeding.

The doctor just came in and ran to the princess' aid. He examined and treated her wounds but could not do anything. She was too small for a doctor that can only do the essential treatment.

"I cannot do anything. We need to call a healer right away," The royal doctor said with terror in his eyes. He knew by the time the healer arrived, and the princess would not be breathing anymore. She has a very slim chance of survival.

"Call for the King. There is a possibility the princess will not make it," The head maid told the guard. They stepped out of the room to escape the King's wrath.

The head maid and the royal doctor were the only people in the chambers when the doors busted open, revealing the King and the crown prince Aegeus.

"Aristia! Why did you let this happen!" The prince yelled at the maid, but she just kneeled on the floor with her head down, knowing whatever she said would be useless; she did not make sure the princess was safe, which led to her current state.

"Leave" The King's simple order gave shivers to everyone in the room, and they were left immediately.

"Father, is there nothing we can do?" Aegeus asked his father; he saw the pain in his father's eyes.

"Aegeus, we cannot call for help from the guardians; letting a daughter be born in the first place is already bringing shame to our name, let alone asking help to cure her. It will be our downfall," The King's face has no emotion, but his eyes say it all. Aegeus' rage was showing.

"You will let your daughter die just for our title? Well, Father, now the truth comes out. Being a royal is more meaningful to you than your family; I now know where I stand," Aegeus said and left the room; he could not stand to see his sister dying and could not do anything about it; he had not received the power of the water guardian yet, he is still too young and cannot heal her.

But as soon as they closed the door, he heard his sister's faint voice. He immediately came running back inside to only find his sister sitting on her bed; her wound had disappeared, and the blood was not there anymore; he looked at his father, and shock was written all over his face and fear.

"Stay here, Aristia," His father said, leaving the room. Aegeus followed him to ask what had happened.

"We need to hide her existence; we need to announce that she passed away due to an accident." His father said while walking around, clearly in distress.

"Father, she is alive! Is this still about clearing your name as a royal?!" Aegeus was happy when he got his sister back, but his father wants to clear the shame that Aristia caused their royal name. His father looks him straight in the eyes.

"She's The fifth guardian" Aegeus turned pale; having a fifth guardian meant Danger; that day, he knew he needed to protect his sister no matter the cost.

No one can know she exists until she knows how to use her powers to protect herself.

Demi-gods and other creatures will come for her.

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