Chapter 34

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I felt shooting pain in my body, I couldn't move. I feel paralyzed. What happened? I could hear screaming, laughing. I could feel pain more and more, I felt my powers numb. I forced my eyes open, I saw Aristia begging them to stop. In front of me, Duke Vermillion was making her watch as someone was hurting me. I felt so angry, they will pay for this, I will skin them alive. I looked at Aristia and something was different. Her eyes were white, there were sparks running up her body which made the bastard let go of her. Her eyes went back to normal but there was bloodlust in them. She turned to Vermillion.

"What the hell—" he couldn't even finish his sentence, when she cut his arm. He starts screaming in pain. I was shocked, someone tried to run away but she snapped her head towards them and there was lightning that came out of her hand that electrocuted that person. Lighting? How is that possible? She then plunged her sword into his stomach and pulled it up his chest. She then dropped him on the floor and went for the woman beside me.

"My lady! Please! They made me do it!" It was Cece, she was on the floor begging on her knees. But it was like Aristia wasn't really there.

"I'll spare you once you give him the antidote" She said, her voice was different. It held so much hatred.

"Thank you so much, I'll give him the antidote!" Cece said, she then pulled out a vile and made me drink it. I wasn't able to move but whatever she gave me, slowly gave my senses back.

"My lady—" Aristia cut off her hand. She started screaming, there was a smile on Aristia's face. She then pushed her sword through her skull, finishing her off.

She moved towards Casindra, who was on the floor screaming and crying. Slashed her throat, the blood was on the wall and on her dress. The other person was Azul, he got electrocuted earlier. But he's on his feet now, Aristia was just standing there. Waiting for him to move when he did. She swung her sword in which cut him in half. The sparks that were on her body disappeared, she falls to the floor. I was finally able to move. I ran to her and held her, she was crying. I looked around, the gruesome scene in front me. It's not something I could see her doing. The fact that I became careless and distracted to even let this happen. To make her have to do this.

"I'll do anything to save you Raynar" she said looking in my eyes, her hand holding my face. Her eyes glowing and I winced and realized my wounds stopped bleeding and they were gone, she fell into my arms. At that moment, I knew that she meant it. She cured me, something she wasn't able to do before. She killed the people she thought were her friends to save me. I just felt so much anger to have to put her through this. I carried her in my arms and walked through the hallways, soldiers were alarming everyone. There was chaos once they found the room where all the dead bodies were.

"Raynar! What happened?" I heard Val said but once we came closer, he got quiet. Aegeus was clearly furious.

"Send men to the Vermillion estate, take everyone that is related to the Vermillion. As well to Casindra's estate, they will be charged with treason and death" I said and Val, walked away and told Sir Axel. I looked at Lael.

"I will need that tonic" he shook his head, he can't believe that Aristia did kill those people. I didn't say anything about her being able to control lighting, I wasn't even sure if I saw it correctly.

I walked away, taking her to my room. I brough her inside the tub to clean her up. When I removed her clothing, I wanted to kill those people all over again. She was able to cure me but not herself. All guardians have healing abilities but it's not something we use to help someone else since it takes a toll on us. That's why we always have healers nearby. Lael is a different case, he draws his healing ability from nature. So, it doesn't take a toll on him, I wiped off all the blood off her. She only had a few wounds, I rubbed that cream Lael made gently on her skin. But it still left scars, I then washed her hair thoroughly. Once I knew there was not a speck of blood on her, I carried her to my bed. I put one of my shirts on her and pulled a blanket over her. I heard a knock, I opened it, and Lael was there.

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