Chapter 13

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After that engrossing occurrence, Lady Aristia started training with Lael instead. I would keep an eye on her from afar to make sure she doesn't destroy anything, but Lael is doing a good job surprisingly. Lael is the youngest of us and he is very to himself. If he could avoid talking to someone or going somewhere he would, I always had to drag him everywhere. Seeing him with Lady Aristia and how he trains her is peculiar and it somehow works.

I know I'm being hard on her, but she needs to know the cold hard truth of reality. She's always been in the safety of her family and in her bubble in fantasy land. Now she's hit with reality, and it doesn't work the way she wanted it to be. When I watch them train it's different, she looks so happy and she's enjoying herself. I've never seen her smile like that, those soft plump lips. That soft and snowlike arched neck, just thinking of that is making me feel uneasy. I shouldn't think of her that way, I can't get involved with her like that. Despite my fathers constant nagging. I need her for something else.

"Are you listening to me?" My father in front of me said. Except I've rarely called him one, due to him not really caring if we're his blood.

"No" I simply said, I really don't care what he has to say. He forced me to come to his study room to talk about his expectations of me and my responsibilities as king and once I've completed my duties as guardian.

"Once Lady Aristia can safely be around civilians without destroying anything then she needs to come to Inferno, and we need to hold a coronation for you and her. The kingdom needs to meet their king and the woman he chose apparently" He said with distaste. I can't help but smile at the fact that I can show my father that he can't always get what he wants.

"Why are you so against Lady Aristia, she's a guardian, a royal princess and we can form a strong connection to Nereria" I told him as he places his elbows on the desk and his chin on his intertwined hands. He sighs and stares at me with defeat and resentment. I raised my eyebrows at this, it's amusing watching my father not knowing what to do.

"Lady Aristia is an unruly lady, she thinks laws and rules do not apply to her and because of that she can't be controlled. She has this urge to always do the opposite of what she's told, I don't understand why you chose her. There is this perfect lady for you back home that comes from a powerful family. You could have just married her" He said and leaned back on his chair.

"You want me to marry that girl because you want someone that is easy to control. Someone that fears you, you're afraid of someone that's not scared of you. I said and he just stared at me with discontent. I know who he wanted me to marry, and I've known her since she was young. She would follow me everywhere and that is something I don't want. I want my freedom and I know I won't have that with her.

"There are events you will need to hold after the coronation. You will have a royal ball, and gifts will be presented to you and your wife as sign of respect from different noble families in the kingdom." My father kept going on and on about different events that needed to take place and that I need to this and that. I honestly could care less, I waited for him to leave before I could walk away. My father has a tendency that if I try to walk away from him, he lectures me more and I just want to get out of his sight right now.

As soon as he is in a far distance, I start walking away fast. I walk past my soldiers training, this castle is basically the middle ground for all nobles from different kingdoms. If they want to come to different kingdoms, they need approval or an invitation. They can't just in and just show up, it is considered extremely rude and that youre undermining the authority of the kingdom. It's very much frowned upon, and your reputation takes a toll from it.

I just realized that I have to subject Lady Aristia to different events, social gatherings and she has to pretend to be a socialite and attend social parties hosted by the ladies of high society. It will be fun telling her this.

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