Chapter 1

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The Ancient kingdom, now in ruins, is the meeting place of the current guardians, away from prying eyes.

Agape, the Fire guardian from the Inferno Kingdom, is the first to arrive. He hated waiting for everyone knowing they would take their sweet time.

"Hello, my old friend" He felt strong winds behind him; he didn't need to turn around to know who arrived.

"Alastair, you took your time; with the wind on your side, you should have been the one to arrive first," Agape teased his friend, knowing Alastair would just laugh about it. Alastair is the wind Guardian from the Kingdom of Lummox.

"Well, knowing you, you would be upset if I arrived late despite having that ability" Agape glared at him, and Alastair laughed.

They suddenly felt the waves getting strong and saw a figure ahead of the big wave heading their way.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" Agape yelled at the Guardian of Water, Damaris, from the kingdom of Nereria. He was laughing and surfing on the waves. Alastair flew up to avoid getting wet; Agape hated the water like any other fire guardian before he could threaten him. He was drenched with ice-cold water. He was angry and threw fireballs at Damaris, but he just built a water wall. Before he could tease Agape again, he fell out of balance when the earth under their feet started to shake.

"Shit, here he comes; please don't tell me he took his golems with him," Damaris said with disgust on his face; he hated how the golems looked like when he tried to get rid of them with water to him. It looked like shit; for that reason, he left it alone, but those golems got their master's craziness, and he could not do anything about it.

"Having fun without me?" The earth guardian Fai from the kingdom of Drosrovia, said in disappointment when he saw his old friends having fun without him.

"You're too old to sulk about it, Fai," Alastair said and landed behind him.

"Since we're all here, let's get down to business," Agape said, and Fai controlled the branches of the trees around them to turn into chairs. Agape sat down.

"The Prophecy was true; the oracles gave us a warning to study the prophecy because the danger it states is near," Agape said will a stone-cold face.

"The new guardians are not ready yet; we haven't even transferred our powers to the younglings," Fai said; his son is still not at the right age to receive the Earth element.

"The oracle said we still have time to prepare, more time than we need," Agape said, but something bothered him. What triggered the prophecy to happen?

"What is in the prophecy?" Alastair asked Agape; he took out a scroll out of his robe and unraveled it.

"A maiden with bejeweled hair will wreak havoc or Prosperity.

Bloodshed is on the horizon between the lion and the lamb.

Her core is the crucial element.

The Maiden's rose is more tyrannical than the lion's claw.

Darkness shall come, and the crows shall feast.

The bejeweled Maiden may bring catastrophe to us all or triumph of tranquility".

Everyone was shocked to hear this prophecy, there was silence, and everyone was examining each other's reactions. They knew this didn't mean good news to the next generation.

"That's what we deciphered from the old text from the oracles. I don't understand that no female born from royalty is alive, so how can it be that the prophecy states that it's a maiden unless it's not of royal blood? But Lowborn are not granted power, so this is out of the question", Agape asked, confused.

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