4-please fight back

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TW- bullying

I stood at the bus stop, the cold air making my cheek sting slightly.

I took a sip out of my flask hoping it would warm me up.

The usual people lined up at my bus stop Clyde, wendy, Heidi and Tolkien all stood.

Clyde and Tolkien spoke

"Hey tweek"

I waved and smiled, Clyde and Tolkien were few of the nice people at this shitty school.

"What's up with your cheek dude" Clyde spoke while poking at my cheek.

"Gahhh I uh um walked into my door"

Really Tweek that's all you can think of.

They laughed, before they could say anything else the bus pulled up.

Thank god

I sat in the corner, and stuck my earphones in 'hey lover by the daughters of eve' was already playing, I drifted of into my thoughts.

The bus pulled up to another stop, there Craig walked on, i followed him with my eyes, thinking about yesterday.

As if he knew I was staring at him he smirked before chuckling, while looking at me.


God damn it, he definitely saw me staring! He's gonna think I'm a weirdo!!! He probably hates me ahh!!

I began pulling at my hair again wincing at the pain I was causing myself.

As we pulled up to the next stop, my heart dropped, it was cartmans, I didn't feel like fighting today, my dad really took the energy out of me.

Cartman walked up the steps, smirking as he saw me before he sat his self next to me.

"Hey spaz" he smirked darkly

Oh shit.

Craig's PoV
I walked onto the bus, as I was walking down the centre I felt someone eyes on me.

As I searched the bus, I saw Tweek staring at me I smirked and chuckled, he twitched before quickly looking back out the window.

I sat two seats behind him, so I could keep a close eye on him.

I noticed him pulling at his hair, why does he do that surely he's hurting his self. I winced as I watched him pull out a few strands.

I looked down at my phone for a few seconds reading red racer news, as the bus stopped.

I looked back up only to see Cartman smirking before sitting next to Tweek, who was now twitching an awful lot.

Has he not learnt his lesson I thought.

I observed carefully trying to figure out the situation.

Tweeks PoV

"You know I'm still pissed of about yesterday" Cartman whispered into my ear

His breath making me squirm a little

He snickered "not in the mood twitch?"

I nodded my head, hoping he'd just leave me alone, oh how optimistic of me.

"Well I have a little treat for you Today" he smirked before unzipping his bag, I began to fidget, concerned at what he was about to pull out.

Carefully he lifted an extremely long sharper than usual compass, it looked like a navigator type. One that wasn't meant to draw circles on paper.

I squirmed, "Eric no Gahh really not ehhh tod.." before I could finish, a sharp pain from my thigh cut me of.

I looked down Cartman had stabbed the compass into my leg, I groaned loudly in pain, biting my lip trying to fight back tears.

"Oh someone doesn't want to act tough today"

Cartman smiled before moving the compass viciously around in my skin,

I winced "ahh fucking stop"

To my surprise he took it out of my leg, I grabbed my thigh trying to soothe the injury.

Before I could calm down, I felt another sharp pain in my thigh.

"Fuck gahh" I groaned this one hurting more than the other one.

Cartman chuckled, he wiggled the compass in my skin pushing deeper.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes, trying to fight the pain.

"That's enough Cartman" I heard a lifeless voice from behind me.


Craig's PoV

I watched carefully as cartman whispered something into his ear, before rummaging through his bag.

Tweek began to get a little anxious in his seat, I could hear him twitching.

Cartman pulled the object out of his bag, I tilted my head slightly to try see the object.

Is that?? It was a compass, that looked way to sharp to be school friendly.

I raised my eyebrow, confused about what cartman was up to, i looked back at Tweek.

His face had gone an awful pale and he muttered something I couldn't really hear, suddenly he jumped and looked down at something that was not in my eyesight.

He let out a loud groan, not like his usual twitch but more like a sound of pain.

I sat up, slightly alarmed

Why is he not fighting back I thought?

"fight back Tweek" I muttered very quietly

He bent down and looked to be grabbing his thigh, I could tell from his odd movements, that he was in some sort of pain.

he groaned before throwing his head back slightly

Tweek was not fighting back.

Having enough of watching this scene I spoke

"That's enough Cartman."

He jolted his head towards me

"what's it to you tucker" he spoke looking slightly pissed, I had interrupted his fun time.

I was beginning to lose my patience now,

"Just leave him be" I spoke my voice slightly more raised

He smirked before grabbing Tweek by his hair, forcing him to face me.

Tears stained his face and he had a look of discomfort and pain, he looked down not being able to make eye contact with me.

As if he was embarrassed

I was pissed of now

"If you don't fucking leave him alone, I will kick your fat ass" I spoke calmly

Cartman let go of Tweek,everyone knows not to call him fat, but I had to get him of Tweeks back.

He walked up to me before whispering into my ear
"You've just signed yourself a death wish"

This fucker really thought he scared me, I was more entertained by his lack of intimidation skills.

I smiled "counting on it fucker" before sticking my middle finger In his face.

He death stared me before taking a seat by his self.

I bought my attention back to Tweek, who was looking down, twitching.

He doesn't deserve this.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now