On my way.

749 20 45

Tweeks pov

I smile as I see Craig and Clyde staring at me in disbelief,

The burning intensifies, I groan and grab my side weakly,

"Hospital.." was all I could manage to say, before finally succumbing to the Pain and passing out.

Craig's pov

"Fuck. Tweek... no no no" I gently grab Tweeks face,

"Craig. We need to get him to the hospital now."

Thank god Clyde was there, I had already lost all my composure as soon as I saw Tweeks face.

I lift Tweeks limp body up, however something was restraining him,

I look at his wrist and see the chain.

I clenched my jaw in anger who the fuck did this?

"Clyde we need to break the chain quick, what about that rock?"

Clyde picked up a rock and slammed it hard into the weaker part of the chain, somewhere Tweek wouldn't have been able to reach,

After 3 hits it finally gave In.

As soon as we got into the car, I sat in the back with Tweek, throwing the keys at Clyde.

"Craig?!? I can't drive!"

"You can now. Just drive Clyde." I deadpan,

"Fuck.." Clyde put the keys in and began to drive towards the hospital, which was a good 40 minutes away..

Fuck I think to myself,

I place Tweeks head in my lap, and softly play with his hair, and pray nothings seriously wrong.

"I think I just hit a person." Clyde says awkwardly,

"Don't care just keep driving.. how long?"

"Around 20 minutes"

I nod and look back down at Tweek, "shit.." I mutter as I notice how hot his skin is,

I gently take of his jumper, the one he wore the night before he went missing..

Come to think of it I've never seen Tweek in a short sleeve,

I inspect his pale freckled arms, I could see blood coming from his wrist, a lot.

"Oh shit! Fuck fuck fuck. Clyde drive faster Now."

"What's wrong?!"

"His radial artery it's severed"

"Sorry I don't speak science nerd, simpler terms"

God he can't read a room for the life of him,

"His fucking main vein in his wrist is severely cut from where he must've been hitting that rock in the chain. Oh god there's to much blood"

Instinctively I take my hoodie of and wrap the arms tightly around his forearm to stop the blood flow.

"Honey hold on please keep fighting just like mom said, you're a fighter  so please don't stop fighting.. not now.." I say quietly as I feel tears roll down my face.

Clydes Pov

The saddest moment in my life was when mom passed away in front of me,

But this has to be the runners up,

Watching Craig, breakdown was heartbreaking, it's new to see Craig show this much emotion,

But what would anyone expect, the boy he secretly loves to death, is unresponsive and bleeding.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now