23- Coffee

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After a day of check ups I was finally released from the hospital,

My mum and dad were on a other trip so thankfully they wouldn't find out what happened,

Mom would be worried and dad would somehow find a way to blame everything on me,

Which I can't be bothered to deal with..

I walk into the kitchen still wondering my thoughts,

I grab a slice of leftover pizza, kinda gross to be honest,

I lean on the counter as I stare at the coffee machine opposite me,

I've been surprised as I haven't been in the mood to make myself a coffee for the last two days,

Which is unusual as I is usually can't live without it.

Speaking of coffee, I have to be at the coffee shop, in half an hour.

Oh shit oh shit.

Im running late, I begin to panic and think of every worst case scenario, that can lead out, if I'm late.

I lock my front door and begin speed walking in the direction of the cafe,

Wait did I lock the front door?

I think to myself

Shit I can't remember,



I begin to sweat a little at the thought,

Lost in my thoughts I didn't see a car hurtling towards me,

"AGH" I scream as the car manages to stop just in time,

(Haha creek angst :,)

The old woman in the car gave me a dirty look before driving of,

Oh god..

She's hates me.

She's going to tell everyone about the kid that wasn't paying attention,

"Hey watch it kid!" A man screams at me swerving around me on his bike,

Oh god I almost killed him,

What if he fell in the road and got hit by a car!?

Oh god I need to sit down,

I begin pulling at my hair, before reaching the cafe.

Craig still wasn't here so I had time to regain my composure,

It's ok Tweek..

I tell myself, think of puppy's,

They calm me down.

I inhale and exhale,

I continue this for god knows how long

"Um.. Tweek?" I hear the familiar voice speak.

"Agh hi!" I speak trying to sound stable, and as if I'm not having a breakdown right now.

"Are you okay?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow,

I smile and nod,

I'm a good actor so I think he believed me..

"So what am I going to help with?" Craig asks with an intrigued tone,

I chuckle "you've just got to be a waiter, I'll make the drinks and you bring them and clean the tables, is that ok?"

Craig smiles "perfect"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now