12- A sky full of stars

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Red: hey Craig do you want to meet at the fair tonight?

I stare at the message I'm not a big fan of the fair, but it will be fun because it's with Red

I reply back instantly

Red: sure what time?

Red: 7pm

That gives me one hour to get ready, that's fine I'm usually quick at getting ready, I text her back a I'll be there before I jump in the shower.

Reds Pov

"Got him." I smirked as I showed Bebe the messages

"What about you?" I asked Bebe

"Yep! Tweek said yes" she grinned

This is going very to plan so far.

"We're literally matchmakers." We both smiled as we planned out our next steps.

Tweeks Pov

I put the lid on my flask, as I kiss my mum goodbye.
"Have fun with Bebe sweetie"

I thanked her and headed toward the fairground

The fair happens to be one of my favourite places, I especially love the ferris wheel.

I wouldn't mind having a first date here.

I look down as I reach for my phone and text Bebe

Bebe 💖: where are you? I'm at where we're suppose to meet x

I continue looking at my phone, just as I hit send I hit a hard surface.

I immediately uttered an apology, and went to go on with my way.


I looked up, Craig stood there looking at me.

"Oh Gah hi Craig, what are you doing here?" I smiled trying to hide my obvious embarrassment from walking straight into him.

"Im supposed to be meeting Red here but she's not turned up" he deapanned


"Gah in this specific location?"

Craig nodded with a confused expression

I let out a sigh and shake my head

"We've been Agh set up."

"Set up?"

I nod, two pings from mine and Craig's phones interrupt my train of thought.

I pulled out my phone

Bebe 💖: sorry tweek, me and red magically got held up. So you can hang with Craig instead.. have fun ;)

I look up at Craig who was currently reading a message.

Craig's Pov

Red: don't hate me cous, but me and Bebe are suddenly busy. We sent Tweek your way. Have fun ;)

I roll my eyes

These idiots were trying to play matchmaker

I look back at Tweek who is clearly panicking and going into overdrive.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked him

Tweek stopped twitching and looked back at me


I laughed at the one word comment.


And we walked towards the candy stand

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now