30- Are you mine?

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I quietly unlocked the door, even though mom and Ruby weren't home,

Habit I guess.

Last time Tweek was here, well...

My dad happened.

But that doesn't matter right now, we're in the present.

I smile at Tweek as we both giddily head upstairs, each trying not to stumble up the stairs.

As soon as we stepped foot in my room, Tweek crashed on the bed,

"Hey! No falling asleep, I promised to show you a song on the guitar" I eagerly smile, as I head over to the guitar and set everything up.

I admire Tweek as he's sat cross legged grinning ear to ear at me,

I pull out my chord and begin playing 'when the sun goes down'

Tweeks Pov

They say when you like someone don't watch them do something their passionate about,

Because you'll only ending up crushing harder and well..

Fuck I think it's true.

I watch as Craig moved from Chord to chord, the concentration on his face, somehow made him more attractive.

I didn't even realise I was staring into his soul until I heard his voice,

"Tweek... Tweek."

"Oh haha hi" I smile, oh god I'm a flustered mess,

"I finished the song like a minute ago, but you kept staring at me.."

"Play another." I say eagerly, maybe sounding a bit more dominating than I meant.

Craig just smiled and nodded, before looking at his guitar again.

Craig's Pov

I'm just going to do it, I'm trying to hide the smirk on my face..

But it's kinda hard when Tweeks sat in front of me,

This is going to be so cheesy but oh well, I think the alcohol is really taking over.

I badly sing the lyrics this time as I fiddle with the guitar strings at the same time.

"In my mind, when he's not right there beside me."
"I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be"
"And satisfaction feels like a distant memory"
"And I can't help myself"

"All I ever wanna say is, "are you mine?",

I look up slightly, trying to examine Tweek for a slight reaction, I can see a small smirk he's trying to hide.

Oh I've got you now.

I smile at Tweek and make very drunk eye contact,

Which is a dangerous move.

"Well, are you mine?"
"Are you mine?"
"Are you mine?"

Tweek stands up and walk towards me, I'm not sure what he's doing I just continue looking up at him,

He takes the guitar out of my hands, and places it gently on the ground before getting extremely close to my face.

"Was that on purpose?" Tweek smiled,

I'm just going to play dumb, it's fun to annoy him,

"What?" I deadpan,

Tweek rolls his eyes "the song."

I smirk "what about it"

"Interesting song choice that's all" Tweek smiles at me, as he brings his face close to mine and wraps his arms around my neck.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now