19- Someone i once called dad

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"Tweek Tweak, must've hit his head on the fall, that's why he was also unconscious, he has a concussion. We also gave him stitches in his eyebrow and cheek."

"Your son also gained a concussion, however it's a lot worst than Tweeks, due to the amount of blood he lost around 40%, if he lost another 10% his life could've possibly been in danger. We've given him stitches in his eyebrow, cheek, lips, nose and jaw. He also has large bruises on his wrists and his neck, it seems the person that did this strangled him.."

"You can visit once the doctors finish their final check ups"

The doctor smiled as she left mom and I ,

I can't believe any of this is real, I'm in a state of shock.

I look at mom, I know she feels guilty I can see it in her eyes,

Craig tried to tell her,

But she didn't listen and this is the outcome..

I know I should've comforted her, but I was pretty mad at her,

I know she didn't do this but she could've prevented it,

She cared more about the house than her kids safety,

And that's on her.

Now all we can do is sit here and wait in silence.

Craigs Pov

"Ah fuck.." i quietly speak as I open my eyes fully now,

What? why am I in a hospital?

I move my head slightly, quickly putting it back to the original position,

Holy shit that hurts,

A slight stir from near me, catches my attention

Once again I turn my head,

Ignoring the pain as curiosity now got the best of me,

I focus my eyes,

The blonde star like hair immediately made me remember everything,

I wince remembering Tweeks face, as my dad pushed him down the stairs

"Tweek.." I whisper hoping he's awake,

He moved slightly he was now facing me, his eyes were however closed,

I could see the bruising and cut above his eyebrow, as well as the cut on his lip,

This motherfucker, I could kill him

I try again

"Tweek" I say slightly louder now,

After What seemed like 20 seconds he finally opened his eyes,

I watched him as his head darted from me to everywhere else,

Panic clearly setting in,

"Craig Gah where are we agh??"

I chuckle slightly at his reaction, probably not the best time but oh well

"we're at the hospital."

Tweek looks at me for a few seconds, his Brain clearly thinking hard now,

He looks back at me with wide eyes,

"Oh my god agh, craig how's your head?" He asks concern laced in his voice,

I can't help but smile at his concern

"Well I think okay, I'm alive at least"

Tweek let out a small chuckle

"How's your head?"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now