41- Break the cycle?

407 9 17


"Sweetie I'm going to your aunts for the night, just text me if you need anything. Dad will be here though so you should be fine" mom smiled as she closed the door.

For fuck sake, my life just doesn't get easier does it.

Dad will be here so you should be fine, unlikely..

I should've ate earlier I'm starving but I refuse to leave my room.

Ugh I just wish I could text Craig to get things of my mind,

Earlier was so weird..

I just wish he would listen to me though,

I sigh.

I quickly turn my head to the door as I hear steps coming up the stairs.

Not now.

I dart for the lamp and attempt to fake sleep,

I hear the door knob turn,


"What the fuck did I say about locking the door" I hear his voice come from the other side of the door,

Oh I hate myself...

I refuse to open it though.

I hear footsteps trail away, I take a deep breath and wipe the sweat of my head.

Just as I thought I was in the clear, I hear a key enter the keyhole,

I sit up.

How has he got a key??


The door swings open, I squint my eyes trying to let them adjust to the light in the hallway.

Next thing I know my dad's standing in front of me, I jump back startled.

"Oh uh nngh hi dad" I half smile, I hate myself.

"What did I tell you about locking the door."

"Not to ehh lock it.."

"So why is it locked??"

"I'm Gah sorry" I whisper hopping that will be enough,

Obviously I'm wrong,

I see his hand raise and I just look down,

I feel the sting on my cheek a few seconds later, I sigh and hold my cheek as I look back up at him.

"You have a lot of nerve boy." He angrily spoke,

"You won't even stand up for yourself, you're a disgrace."

I sit in silence,

Story of my life apparently.

"I'm sorry.." I don't even know why I'm apologising..

I'm not sorry for anything.

I'm just hoping he'll go away.

I always just wanted a dad that was normal.. one that didn't try to kill me, but instead made cupcakes with me or something.

Cringe I know, but it's a small ask.

"Get up."


"I didn't ask you to speak, I asked you to get up."

I think I've seen this movie before and I know how it ends, maybe I won't be so lucky this time.

I stand up and face my dad,

"I've never liked you. You were always twitching and doing gay ass shit like making cupcakes."

That's not gay at all but whatever, guess the cupcake idea is out of the window.

"I should've left you in that barn to die a cold horrible death, I would've finally felt at peace and then of cause that fucking faggot had to find you, his dad should've killed him.."

Those words.

Something snapped right there.

I stare at him "fuck you, if you just fucked out of South Park with your miserable existence. Done meth in some alleyway and dropped fucking dead. That would bring me serious peace. But we can't all get what we want can we?" I deadpan,

I know the fury in his face should scare the shit out of me, but right now I'm to angry to think,

Hell I didn't even twitch once while saying that..

"You little shit. This time I'm not letting you live I don't care if I get caught at least I know you'll be dead." He sputtered angrily as he threw my lamp at the wall,

I watch as he grabs one of the glass shards from the broken lamp,

Oh shit.

I quickly dodge his hand as he lunges at me with the glass,

Fuck I need to do something or I'm dead,

For the first time ever I fight him back,

I grab his wrist that has the glass in it and try to strain him,

My grip loosens slightly as he kicks me catching me by surprise,

I feel the glass Penetrate the left side of my stomach,

I wince and groan in pain,

Adrenaline taking over, I begin to tighten my grip, I kick his foot from behind causing him to fall to the ground.

The piece of glass falling out of his hand. I strain his wrists as I sit above him,

Quickly I punch him, followed by another and another,

I can feel myself falling into a deep rage.

I continue hitting, he's out.


I need to stop.

I back away out of breath, staring at his unconscious body,

I stare at the blood on my hands.

I shakily stand up, I put my shoes on and walk out the door.

To the only place I know.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now