8- late night drives

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TW- abuse


What the fuck does he want, I ignored him

The door knob twisted, thank god I locked the door, I can't be asked to deal with his shit right now.

"Craig can you open the door I want to talk to you...I'm sorry"


No way this abusive asshole is trying to apologise

As much as I hate him, he's still my dad and I still love him even though I really don't want to.

I let my guard down to easily.

I hesitated as my hand reached the door knob

Should I open it?

I ignored all the voices in my head telling me no and unlocked it.

I sat back down on my bed, waiting for him to come in.

He opened the door stepping into my room

"Look Craig." He spoke gently

What the fuck? Why is he being so nice

He turned around and locked the door behind us.

Uh oh

That's not a good sign

I swallowed hard, hoping I was just overthinking.

"I'm sorry about what happened at dinner."


What is happening?

"It's just I don't want my only blood son to be a fucking faggot"

There it is

I fucking knew it

Damn someone get this guy an acting award.

I stood up

"Well it's a bit to late for that" I hissed

"You will not speak to me like that Craig I am your father" he inched closer to me

"I will never see you as my fucking father, your just some asshole I happen to be unluckily related to" I deadpanned.

Without a warning, he grabbed my wrist yet again, I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but the fucker was so strong.

"I told you to treat me with some respect" he said angrily

"And I fucking told you I lost my respect for you a long time ago" I glared at him

His eyes lit up with fury, his grip tightened, my wrist is definitely going to be more bruised after this.

He let go of my wrist and forcefully pushed me, I went flying into the back of my desk.

I winced as I felt the impact between my head and the corner of the desk

"That fucking hurt" I groaned forgetting about my dad in that moment

"Clean that shit up" he spoke as he pointed next to me.

I looked down

My own blood.

I looked back up at him, feeling a dangerous level of anger now.

"I'm going to fucking kill you one day" I spat

He rolled his eyes before leaving my room.

I gathered myself and quickly locked the door again, not wanting that asshole to come back.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now