13- Reunion

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It's been a week since the fair,

Me and Tweek haven't really spoken, it's not that I don't want to. It's just a bit awkward now.

Neither of us knew what to say, I mean we made out, did it mean something more than that?

I don't know.

But it was stressing me out and I had to get my mind of it somehow

I was sat in my usual spot in the cafeteria, still thinking hard when I heard a familiar voice

One I haven't heard in a very long time


I looked up and to my surprise saw the person I was least expecting to see


Clyde, Tolkien, Jimmy and I used to be best friends, I mean they still are..

But after the shit with my dad I pushed them away, Clyde asked me about it,

And as I have major communication issues, I ended up being defensive, causing a massive argument between us two..

And we haven't spoke since then,

There was no bad blood we just weren't close anymore.

"Can I sit" Clyde asked motioning towards the space opposite me

"Sure" I replied curious to what he was up to

I know Clyde he's too dumb and awfully nice
to try do some weird shit, so he's being genuine I think.

"Sooo" he awkwardly smiled while taking a bite of his burger

I stared at him waiting for him to say something else, if this was any other person I'd be bored by now and I'd tell them to piss of.

But it's clyde and I have time for him.

He sighed

"look Craig, I know we haven't spoken in forever.. and I'm sorry about our fight I was just concerned. But I just want things to go back to normal, I mean your birthdays coming up and you can't spend it alone again."

"How do you know I spent it alone?

"Oh uh your mum told me"

I rolled my eyes, my mums always loved Clyde, she was heartbroken when I stopped talking to him

Ever since Clydes mum passed, my mum would check in on Clyde, clearly she was doing a lot more than check in on him recently.

More like a little gossip

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I pushed you and the boys away. I'm sorry I stopped talking to you. And I'm sorry for the things I said during the argument"

Clyde's mouth practically dropped open, he smiled

"Craig tucker saying sorry?? I never thought I'd see the day" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off

"Nothings changed then" he laughed

I let out a small smile, it really does feel that way.

"So are you going to stay there and be all mysterious or join us again?" Clyde laughed

I death stare him before nodding

I place my tray on the table and sit down, Clyde sat down next to me

"Long time no see" Tolkien smiled

"Hey" I smile back

"H-he hey g-g-g gay ass" Jimmy grinned

I roll my eyes and laugh

"So Craig we have something to discuss." Tolkien looked at me sternly

Oh shit.

Fuck I knew this was to good to be true

Stay calm

"What's up with you and Tweek?"


I seriously need to calm down, my dad has caused some serious trust issues

"Nothing why" I deadpanned trying not to give myself away

Tolkien crossed his arms

"You're lying."

Before I could say anything else, Clyde elbowed me

"Shut up dude your gay ass has a fat crush on Tweek!" He grinned elbowing me once again


How obvious am I making my liking to Tweek

I mean I don't like him like him..


Ugh I don't know this is so frustrating

"Why do you guys think that?" I asked

"Oh I don't know.. maybe the fact you're always defending him, threatening to ruin people's life's for him, fighting for him, also you're nicer to him" Clyde smiled

How does he know all of that?

I sigh "I just feel like being nice to him I guess"

The three boys smiled goofily at each other

Before all chiming in high pitched voices

"Somebodyyyy has a crushhh"

I slam my head on the table and sigh

The boys laugh

"Anyways wanna come to mine tonight guys?"

Tolkien was extremely rich and no one could pass an offer on going to his house,

We all nodded in agreement before the bell rang.

Tweeks pov

It was just me at the coffee shop tonight, my mum and dad were on a trip,

Mum said they'll be away for a week, which secretly relieved me,

I don't have to deal with my dads bullshit

Plus I need to be busy to get my mind of that night..

I can't stop thinking about Craig and.. the way he made me feel,

Maybe it's just a silly little make out session

But I don't know..

Shit I need to stop thinking about it, I've got coffee to make.

I serve a few customers, I noticed it's been awfully busy,

I've been struggling to keep up if I'm being honest and that's unusual for me,

I might have to ask someone to come help me for a week, if it continues like this.

I don't mind though I like the company.

After a busy rush hour, it was around half 7 and it had finally settled down,

There was no one currently in the cafe, i only have an hour and a half till closing time.

The bell on the door interrupted my thoughts, I turned around to see two teen boys I don't recognise.

"Hi what gah can I get you" I smile

"Oh we're not here for coffee" the taller boy giggled

Well I think you're in the wrong place I thought to myself.

"Oh is Agh there anything GAH else I can get you, like a muffin?" I gesture towards the muffin case

The two boys laugh,

I don't understand what's so funny,

That's when one of them smashed the case the muffin was in with his fist.

What the fuck??

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now