42-war is over

460 8 25

I stared in awe at the stars, as I took the last drag from my cigarette.

I carefully climbed back into my room through the window, however I continued to stare at the stars,

There's something so calming about them, I look down and to my surprise I see a dark silhouette hobbling down the street,

Is that?


I jumped up and ran down the stairs as quietly as I could,

I unlocked the door and there Tweek was staring at me,

He had tears in his eyes and was covered in blood..

"Tweek! What the fuck." Quickly I grabbed him and bought him inside,

His skin was freezing..

I placed a blanket over him, and sat him on the sofa.

"Tweek honey.. talk to me." I spoke gently sitting next to him,

"I'm so tired" he muttered as he placed his head on my chest,

"Of what.." i ask,


"Who Tweek?"

A quietness filled the air, I looked down at Tweek,

Is he asleep?

I go to bring him to my bedroom, until I see the blood soaked blanket,

I looked at the spot where the blood was coming from, gently I lift his shirt up.

"Oh shit."

I run up the stairs and burst into my moms room,"momTweekjustcametothehousehescoveredinbloodandhesinjuredhelphelphimplease" 

Quickly mom rushed past me, before she was a bank teller she was a nurse, so she's good at aid that's serious but not life threatening.

She grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen and went straight to Tweek,

She held her breath as she saw the injury..

"Is he okay?" I splutter nervously,

"he's not unconscious so he must be extremely exhausted, I've cleaned the cut it's not deep thankfully, it's just a lot of blood.. I'll sanitise it and put a bandage over it and then he should be fine, it seems he just needs to sleep"  she half smiles before staring at me,

"It's okay honey he's fine don't worry.." she reassured me,

I let out a shaky breath, and carried him upstairs, I put my duvet over him and sat there thinking,

What happened?

Who did this?

Who was Tweek talking about?..

I sigh i take of my chullo and lay down next to Tweek,

His presence relaxing me, I close my eyes and begin to drift off to sleep.

Tweeks pov

I open my eyes, it's still dark, I look around,

I double back as I realise I'm in Craig's bedroom and he's next to me,

I let out a shaky breath, recalling everything that just happened..

Now that the adrenaline has ran out, I'm panicking. My dad is going to kill me, and Craig's now going to be asking questions which i can't really avoid.

Interrupting my thoughts I feel a soft grip on my wrist, I look down and to my surprise Craig's staring at me.

How long has he been awake?

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now