40- Improv

431 11 28

Kenny's still not here yet surprisingly, I'd rather wait inside than stand outside looking like a lost puppy,

I open the door and am surprised to see my mom and Kenny chatting away,

He's always been good with peoples parents surprisingly..

"Um Kenny let's go, also hi mom"

"Oh hi honey, well it was nice catching up with you Kenny!"

"You too Mrs tucker!" Kenny smirked as he walked towards me,

"Stop trying to flirt with my mom." I whisper, as I walk up the stairs,

I sit on my bed,

"So what's the plan?" Kenny grinned, clearly to excited to play detective,

I sit in silence, "hmm I haven't thought that far ahead yet.."

"Dude." Kenny facepalmed his face,

"Ok so what we know Tweek was kidnapped that night you asked him out right?"


"Ok his house is a 10 minute walks from yours?"

"Yes but I drove him to his house that night he went missing in the morning, when walking to school"

"And that's a 20 minute walk from his?"


"Okay do you know which way he walks to school?"

"Yeah I do"

"Who lives near where he walks"

" Stan is his neighbour and I think Kyle lives close by" (that's not canon It just goes with where I'm going don't come for me 😭)

"Perfect!" Kenny smiled,


"Stan has cctv"

I smirk, "what are we waiting for let's go!"

We waste no time as we get into my car, and drive towards Stan marshes house,

As we arrive, I see stans dad yelling as he hobbles away from the house,

"Um bad timing?" I say to Kenny,

"Ignore him he's always drunk, won't be surprised if him and Sharon get divorced soon.."

"Let's go" Kenny jumps out of the car, shortly I follow him behind,

I let Kenny knock and do the speaking as he's a lot a lot closer to Stan than I am,

We wait a few seconds,

Before a tired looking Stan opens the door,

"Hey Kenny.. oh .. hi Craig?"

I smile "hi",

"Bad timing sorry dude" Kenny apologetically speaks as he turns his head to Randy who's halfway down the street,

Stan sighs and rubs his head "yeah sorry about him just come in"

We walk in, the place is a mess "woah Stan what the fuck happened here"



South parks just full of lovely dads I think to myself,

Quickly Stan changes the subject "so what's up what's the occasion?"

"Well Craig and I have a little favour to ask.. does your cctv still work?"

"Yeah i think so why?"

"We're trying to find out what happened to Tweek Tweak"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now