32-Clydes the first to die in a horror

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"Last time.." ruby's words hit me like a ton of bricks,

Craig has been though a lot, I'm partially to blame for some of them things..

He's a strong boy, but I can't left him get to that point again..

He hasn't spoken to me since the interaction at the hospital, but as a mother I'm not giving up on my son.

I tell Ruby to watch the food I was cooking, while I head upstairs,

I knock on Craig's door, not waiting for an answer knowing he'll stay silent.

"Craig honey talk to me" I speak as I sit down on the edge of the bed,

"There's nothing to talk about mom." He deadpans,

I take a deep breath "Craig as a mom, it's my duty to see when you're not okay.. i know I fucked up like really fucked up multiple times, but that just means I have to try harder.. I'm so sorry and right now I can see you're hurting, so please just talk to me.."

A few seconds of silence,

"Mom do you know how many missing people are usually found.. 0.7333%. The other majority is either dead or are never found, so what are the odds Tweek Is dead or will never return. High."

I take a deep breath "Craig honey, do you remember that time Mrs tweak invited us around for coffee."

"Yeah when Tweek hid behind Mrs Tweek for the first half we were there"

"Do you remember when you got home, you told me you really liked Tweek, but you were a little scared of him because he was feisty and twitchy"

I heard Craig giggle a little causing me to smile "do you really think Tweek would let someone hurt him without a fight?"

"No way. He's got a strong hit mom" I heard him chuckle once more,

"Exactly Tweeks out there fighting so please don't give up, because he wouldn't give up on you."

Craig sat up and just hugged me, which was unexpected but I happily hugged him back.

"Also clydes here" I smiled before leaving his room..

I think that went well..

Craig's Pov

I walk down the stairs, faced by a smiley Clyde.

"What do you want man" I asked knowing he was up to something,

"Let's go for a drive I'm bored"

"You can't drive."

"I know but you can" he smirked,

I rolled my eyes I mean maybe this will get my mind of things..

I nod towards the door as I say goodbye to mom and Ruby.

We sit down in the car and immediately I turn the heat on,

"It's to cold for this shit" I mutter

"So where are we going?" Clyde says as he runs his hands together,

"I might just drive down the designated roads, I don't want to be near other people." I deadpan,

"Dude their in cars"

I shrug before driving onto the road.

Tweeks pov

"FUCK" I cry, the chain was just not giving up,

I rub my tears with my free hand and sigh in defeat,

A sudden burning pain caused me to wince, drug withdrawal, makes your body feel like it's on fire something we learned in biology.

I need to get out of here, I'm a realistic person and right now I know if I don't get out soon I'll never leave here alive.

I try my best to ignore the pain, and continue slamming the rock into the chain.

"Please please please work" I whisper quietly..

Craig's pov

"Craig this place is creepy as shit" Clyde spoke quietly, as if someone was going to hear him and kill him,

"Look at that creepy ass building, what is that?"

"No clue, I think I'm going to turn around" I deadpanned,

Clyde was right this place had something eery about it, and I wasn't going to stick around to see what's up.

"Um Craig don't hate me but I kinda need to piss.."

I sigh in annoyance "can't you hold it?"
Clyde shook his head,

I hold the Bridge of my nose, "fine just hurry up"

"Dude I'm not going by myself, you're coming with"

"What are you four?"

"No just the odds of me being killed when alone is higher" Clyde rolled his eyes,

I shook my head and opened the door,

"Hurry up."

Clyde walked off to do his business, while I stood there listening to the sound of the wind and trees.

It's refreshing I haven't been outside in a while,

A sudden banging noise made me jump slightly, as I was already on edge,

It sounded like it was coming from that derelict building, just a few metres in front.

"DUDE." I basically have a heart attack from Clyde's sudden appearance,

"Clyde! don't scare me like that you idiot." I whisper,

"Sorry.. besides the point you can hear that right??"

I nod,

"Let's go check it out"

"Oh hell no Clyde, this is why you were voted to be the first to die in a horror movie."

Clyde rolled his eyes "come on let's go" he begun walking towards the building,

Why the fuck and when the fuck did he get so brave..

I argue with myself, as Clyde continues. If I leave him the odds of him dying is 90% and if I come with the odds of us both dying is 50%..

Hmm well if I leave I won't die.

But then Clyde would and who's gonna annoy the shit out of me..

Ugh I guess I'm following Clyde.

I jog to catch up with him "I hate you so much." I deadpan,

"Sure ok you go first" Clyde smiled at me,

"Me??? Why me?? You wanted to go not me"

"Because odds of you dying is lower"

For fuck sake, why am I friends with this dumbass, I think to myself.

I quietly slip through the barely open door, Barely anything's visible, it's so dark,

I pull out my phone and turn the flash on.

I hear Clyde just behind me, as we scan the large room,

"Just. Just a .. few ..more times..." I hear a quiet voice whisper, followed by a large hitting sound,

I follow the voice, to a large stack of straw,

I peek my head behind it, shocked to see a very familiar face.


Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now