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TW- very minor abuse

I was in my thoughts the whole way home, what did Cartman mean when he said I'm the only one that affects Craig.

Why would I have an effect on Craig tucker?

It just doesn't make sense.

Knowing Cartman he was probably just making random shit up, to stir the pot.

God I fucking hate him.

I let out sigh of relief as I noticed dads car wasn't in the drive, he seemed really pissed of this morning and I didn't want to walk into that again.

"Hi mum" I greeted her, my mum was a little crazy but she was nothing like my dad she loved me a lot, she didn't know about the shit my dad did to me, I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

"Thanks for working the other night sweetie"

I smiled.

She looked down at my stained trousers and raised an eyebrow "what happened to your trousers Tweek?"

Shit I forgot about that

"Gah i uh just fell" I don't know how I keep managing to make lies up on the spot.

"Ahh well go get yourself cleaned up honey" she smiled

I nodded heading up the stairs.

Craig's Pov

I walked into the house to be greeted by an a class asshole

"What are you doing here" I hissed

My dad looked at me before speaking up "I've moved in a day earlier"

"Fucking great." I muttered trying to walk past him,

he grabbed my wrist, i looked up at him, I'm sure if looks could kill he'd definitely be dead by now

"Listen Craig you're gonna treat me with respect while I live here" he tightened his grip on my wrist, causing me to wince a little.

"I lost respect for you a long time ago" I replied back pulling my wrist out of his grasp.

He went to open his mouth to say something but I cut him off

"I'm not a little boy anymore dad, you can't push me around or touch me, If you lay a finger on Tricia, mum or me I will fucking kill you with no hesitation. You may have not changed but I have and I will not be putting up with your shit" I spat

I walked up the stairs, as if everything was normal,

I opened ruby's door

"Dads back, keep your door locked."

She froze she turned to me and looked absolutely defeated

"Okay.."  she replied quietly

God I can't see her like that, I closed the door.

As I entered my room I locked the door behind me, not taking any chances

Fucking great my life is going to be shitty from now on

I let my thoughts wonder

I thought back to earlier, thinking of Cartmans words "nothing seems to affect you well except Tweek"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now