26-Keeping a promise for him

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(Ignore the plasters on Tweeks neck in the photo lol)

Yeah it's true, exactly one year ago I tried to kill myself, there's no sugarcoating it.

I wanted to die.

Ruby and mom are the only people who know, well were..

I had no one else to tell, well other than red but I knew it would break her so I never did,

I didn't feel the need to tell anyone, I was In a low place, last thing I needed was peoples sympathy,

Things have changed since then, though my brains still fucked I was prescribed these medicines, which make me feel like an actual human and not a robot,

Plus ever since Tweek came into my life I've been able to express emotions a lot more,

Yeah I still have my rough days, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

That fucker just opened up a bunch of trauma i was starting to heal from,

I fucking hate him.

Everyones probably really worried now, in case I might kill myself,

You see the problem is once people find out you attempted to kill yourself you're only seen as that label,

"Oh are you doing ok you can always talk to me?"

"I'm worried about you.."

"You could've just spoke to me"

"You're selfish"

"Look there's that kid that tried to kill themself"

"I don't want you to do anything drastic"

You become everyone's priority so you don't try and kill yourself again,

Luckily I had that privilege where no one knew, sadly that's been ripped away.

I get out of my thoughts and look up,

How the fuck did I get here? I think to myself.

I was standing at the fair in front of the ferris wheel,

"Hey if I pay you a lot can you close the ride of and just let me sit at the top for a while.... I could really use it.." I try my best to smile at the guy,

"I recognise you, you came with the blonde kid. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?"

I half nod "rough night" I bitterly chuckle,

"It's on the house kid" he smiles at me.

I couldn't be more thankful for this man,

I thank him over and over, once everyone gets of I sit in the cart and wait.

The ride immediately begins to start and after a few seconds I'm at the top,

Admiring the moon and stars.

Silence and peace was all I needed right now.

Tweeks pov

I watch as Craig leaves, I should follow him but I'm currently to stunned to get up.

What the fuck just happened?

I break down the parts in my head,

Craig's dad beat his mum
Craig's dad beat Craig
Craig has a brain injury that causes him to act emotionless
Craig tried to.. kill his self.
I was in his suicide letter

I find myself standing up and walking towards Cartman and everyone surrounding him from before.

I kneel down so I'm face to face with Cartman,

He smirks "oh god here comes his boyfriend"

"You're seriously fucked up in the head" I spit my words like venom,

"Not as fucked as your boyfriend" he snickers,

Without thinking I punch him in the nose, blood immediately gushes out.

"You'll regret that spaz, you don't think I did my research on you to" he laughs bitterly

I know exactly what he's talking about, but I don't really care.

"Fuck you Cartman."

I snatch the microphone of him and begin speaking,

"Hey guys as we all know Cartman is a fucking asshole, so oh I don't know I thought I'd return the favour. Cartmans mother is currently in debt, meaning Cartman is this close to Being homeless, he's also stuck in the fucking closet hence why he hates 'faggots' so much, he's fucking one of them. He's currently taking tablets for depression because 1. He killed his own fucking dad, how stupid 2. He's insecure because he's a fat piece of shit 3. His mother doesn't love him and actually wants him out the house.. oh she also tried to put him up for adoption. Oh yeah and he's poorer than Kenny."

I drop the mic, and grab Cartman by his hair

"Craig fucking told you, one more time and he'll ruin your life, I'm just keeping the promise he made"

Cartman looks at me gobsmacked, I'm pretty sure I can see tears in his eyes but I simply give no shits,

I need to find Craig.

I grab my coat as well as Craig's and leave the house,

I can only think of 2 places he might be,

His house or the fair.

I decide to hit the fair as it's closer to clydes than Craig's house,

I walk into the lit playground, I walk around for a few minutes, looking for a familiar chullo.

When I bump into the nice man, that let me and Craig stay at the top on the ferris wheel a bit longer,

"Hey have you seen a boy with black hair and a blue chullo?" I ask

The guy smiles "rough night?"

I nod my head "you could say that.."

The guy chuckles, he turns his head upwards, and points at the highest cart on the ferris wheel,

I can see Craig's familiar chullo, he's leaning forward while staring at the sky, his head rested in his arms, he looks lost in thought.

"I'll bring him down" the guys smiles as he presses a few buttons.

Craig's Pov

I'm a bit sad I'm already going down, that felt quick, but I didn't mind as the guy was nice enough to let me stay for a bit, for free.

I went to jump of as I hit the bottom, but someone sat themselves next to me instead,

I look up, Tweek is smiling at me, though I can see he's extremely concerned.

"Here" he passes me my coat, which I'm thankful he bought as I was freezing my ass of.

"Thanks" I say quietly as I put my coat on,

I feel the ride going back up, and before I knew it we were back at the top.


Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now