2- Tweek Tweak

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I stormed out the crowd of people, I was pissed of.  Nobody listens, I told him to back of.

People don't take me seriously because I twitch, they all expect me to be this vulnerable skinny soft boy that can't stick up for his self.

How wrong they were.

I was tall but had a very skinny frame, but I was quite strong, thank boxing I guess.

A gift in disguise literally.

I'm not saying I'm not weak, because I'd be lying, mentally I'm holding on for dear life, peoples words get to me so much and I really wish they didn't.. ok so maybe I am vulnerable and fragile but there's nothing wrong with that, I guess..

I thought back, wait? Why was Craig tucker so close?? Was he going to help me?? What does this mean??? Ahh I'm freaking out!?!!

I pulled at my hair, strands wrapped themselves around my fingers.

"Fuck gahh" I mumbled

I need to stop doing that

A sudden loud burst from the speaker made me jump


"Tweek Tweak to the main office now!" Shit pc principal sounds pissed, better get this over with.

I knocked on the door and let myself in.

"GAH" my twitches were getting worst due to my anxiety.

"Take a seat tweek, now I know you were trying to stick up for yourself but punching the fat boy is not the right way to go around this, check his privilege instead. Anyways I'm going to have you give you a detention tomorrow tweek" pc principal spoke.

Tweek never really had a clue what he was talking about, but he went with it.

"Gahh sorry pc, won't happen ahh again gah!" Tweek replied before leaving the room.

The last bell rang, thank god.

I headed home, fumbling with the key I tried to stick it into the keyhole, struggling with my shaky hands.

"GAhH" I twitched getting stressed out

Eventually I unlocked it, slamming the door behind me, forgetting that I can just close it calmly.

No one's home? "GAHHH" what if my parents were kidnapped??? How am I going to live?? I'm going to starve to death!!

Before I could crawl into a ball I saw a note on the fridge.

Dear Tweek,
Hi dear, will be out for the evening, can you please take care of the shop for tonight, love mum and dad x

Tweek checked the time on the clock

"GAHH I have 10 minutes till opening" he ran around panicking, before leaving the house once again, heading to the coffee shop. 

Tweek unlocked the doors and opened up the shop, with Two minutes to spare. He calmed down and was ready to serve coffee.

Craig's PoV
I sat in my room fumbling with the strings of my electric guitar, I was learning the cords to 'when the sun goes down-by artic monkeys'

When mum called
"Craigggg, can you come down here please"

I sat up placing my guitar back on its stand and headed down the stairs, I stopped in my tracks as I saw him.

"What's he doing here?" I asked exposing a little anger, I don't know how that happened I'm so good at controlling my emotions usually.

"Craig honey, we just want to talk" she replied calmly

"Talk.. fucking talk what so he can end up coming back into our life's again and beat the shit out of me once more for being fucking gay!?" I snapped.

My dad, the one and only.

The one who turned me into a I quote 'cold hearted asshole'

"Craig.." my mum replied

I bit my lip, an old habit I seem to be bringing back

"I expected this from him but from you mum.. I can't fucking believe you." I spoke calmly

"Don't speak to your mother like that Craig" my dad Suddenly decided to join the conversation.

I jolted my head back towards him, I felt nothing but fury.

"You have no fucking right to tell me how to speak to her, when you used to fucking degrade her and beat her you piece of fucking shit" I spat not regretting one word.

Without another word I walked upstairs, slamming my door behind me, out of rage I punched the wall. Stupid I know, I don't know why I did that I was furious.

"Shit" I mumbled looking at my bleeding hand, too far maybe..

"Fuck this" I locked my door so no one could attempt to come in, I quietly opened the window and climbed the thick tree branch next to it, before carefully climbing down the tree.

I had no clue where I was going, but I wanted to be anywhere but there.

After walking about 20 minutes, I began to get a little cold, obviously I forgot to bring my coat in the middle of winter.

I'll try go somewhere warm I thought, luckily there just so happened to be a cafe a few steps in front of me.

I smiled before entering the warm building.

Tweeks PoV
I heard the bell ring on the door, I had my back towards it as I was making a customer a coffee to take out.

After finishing the coffee and giving it to the customer who then left, I walked towards the small booth the new customer was in.

"Hi what can I GAHH get you" I smiled pen to notepad ready to write.

"Tweek?" A familiar voice spoke

Actually now looking down from the pad, I noticed it was the one and only Craig tucker.


He smiled, what an unusual sight from him.

Craig tucker doesn't smile at anyone.

In fact he doesn't show emotion.

"Did you just.. eghh smile?" I asked, shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Um yes?" He replied blank as always "why?"

"Oh uh um ahh gah you just don't do it often" I said

why did he look like he was so lost in thought, after I said that?

"Um Craig.. can I get you anything?" I asked again

"Oh shit yeah can I have a hot chocolate please" he spoke no emotion

This boys like a damn brick wall.

I smiled and walked of before preparing his drink.

After 5 minutes I had finished the hot chocolate, with shaky hands I bought it to him spilling it every now and then.

Craig smirked

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" he replied as I went to walk of he spoke once more " Tweek? Do you have any bandages?"

I turned around puzzled , "yeah why" he lifted his sleeve to show his bloody bruised fist, I winced.

"Stay there GHh I  know first aid!" I said panicking slightly.

"I Wasn't going anywhere" Craig replied monotonously.

I rolled my eyes, before getting the first aid kit.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now