22- Mi Estrella

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Cartmans hovering over Tweek snickering in his face,

He pulls him by his hair and holds his head under the water filled in the sink,

(Just imagine unusually large deep sinks in a school bathroom lol please and thanks!)

Somethings wrong Tweek is barely moving, he's pretty much limp, making some unusual noises,

I swing open the door and grab Cartman by his collar,

"Oi" he whinges clearly surprised by my sudden presence,

"What the Fuck are you doing?" I basically growl my voice so low out of fury,

He snickers "your boyfriend was passed out in here and it was to good of an offer not to play some games with him."

Fucking disgusting and not right in the head,

"I told you Cartman don't Fuck with him, one more thing and I will expose everything about your shitty life"

Cartman quickly goes silent before rolling his eyes
"Fine can you get of me"

I let go of him and tell him to fuck of,

Usually I'd beat the shit out of him,

But I need to check on Tweek,

"Tweek?" I speak softly,

His eyelashes flutter slightly, his eyes half open,

He stares at me for a few seconds

"Am I deeming ?" He whispers extremely quietly.

I chuckle

"No Tweek"

"Mmm wh are yu hereeee you hae me" he mutters,

I'm starting to think there's something wrong, he's slurring his words,

"Tweek how did you get in here?"

"I walled"

Yep somethings definitely wrong.

"Ok Tweek I'm gonna bring you to my car, I'm gonna carry you ok?"

He attempts to nod,

I pull him up and place him in my arms and begin walking,

I could feel Tweek shaking slightly,

I don't know what's wrong but I think I'll have to bring him to the hospital,

I place him in the passenger seat and put a seatbelt on him,

The only way I can describe his mannerisms is that he seemed extremely drunk to the point of a black out,

But less energetic.

After 15 minutes I was finally at the hospital I walked through the entrance trying to support Tweek, who was really struggling to stand.

"Um hi I think there's something seriously wrong with my friend, I think he needs to be checked" I speak to the nurse at the front desk,

As soon as she looks at Tweek she calls for a doctor,

The doctor took Tweek to a room to run an few tests and examinations, I had to wait in the waiting room in the mean time.

After an hour the doctor called me into a room,

I followed to see Tweek on the hospital bed, tubes and needles in his arms.

"We've run a few tests and it seems to Tweek Tweak is suffering from a traumatic brain injury, we looked at his medical records and have seen he was recently in for a concussion, however it was clearly a lot worst than we originally thought, it's also developed more since his last visit. The unwanted bleeding caused him to have a minor seizure, which is why he was slurring his words, shaking and disorientated."

"This has caused a few problems, such as emotional changes, his anxiety is going to be a lot worst than usual and slight intellectual problems, such as things he may have been really good at he will need to be taught once again. He's lucky you found him, if the bleeding had got worst he could've slipped into a coma.."

"We managed to stop the bleeding, so he should be fine except for the couple of problems, which can be adapted to"

"I'll leave you two alone"

I half smile at the doctor, trying to take in the information,

If I didn't find him he could've been in a coma..

I try not to think about that, it didn't happen that's all that matters

"Hey Tweek.."

Tweek moved his head slowly and half smiled at me,


"I'm really sorry about everything.. for what I said and possibly hurting you during the fight. I don't think you're a mentally challenged spas, I just said that because I was furious, I usually say what I think would hurt people when I'm mad, I don't really mean it though.."

"I also definitely don't hate you, far from it actually.. I just hate the way you make me feel sometimes. It's not a bad thing.. just unusual"

"I'm really sorry Mi Estrella..."

When I was younger my mum forced me to learn Spanish with some Random woman,

And somehow I still remember most of it, I didn't want Tweek to know what I was saying, so I decided to speak Spanish.

Mi Estrella means My Star.

Tweeks pov

I listen to Craig's words carefully,

It's true I've been pissed of for weeks, he tried to apologise that day,

But I was not having it.

Maybe I should've listened, he sounds really sincere..

"Im sorry.. for hitting you.."

Craig chuckles

"It's fine, you really do have a strong hit" he chuckled once more,

I think back to Craig's words, what does he mean I make him feel things..

Also did he speak a different language??

I don't know I probably shouldn't think into it,

But I can't help it, I just seem to overthink everything.

Im worried that my anxiety is worst now, it was already bad enough..

I try to get my mind of it,

"Hey Craig, in two days my parents are out of town, I was wondering if you'd like to come help me at the coffee shop?"

Craig smiles "of cause!"

I smile excited for the next two days to be over with,

I'm glad things are back to normal again, it was really boring without Craig,

I don't know how I was okay with life before him, it was a lot more boring,

I don't know if I should feel this way about a friend..

It concerns me,

It doesn't matter.. it's just me thinking to much into things..

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now