9- fixing each other

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Don't ask how I forgot I had a massive fucking gash in the back of my head, that was still bleeding.

I have no idea how

I was to caught up in Tweeks presence I think, he seems to make me forget about my problems.

"Craig?" He spoke sounding concerned

I looked back at him, trying to think of some shitty excuse for why my heads bleeding

"I fell and hit my head, I don't know how I forgot about the bleeding" I spoke in my normal tone trying to sound convincing.

Tweek raised an eyebrow at me before sighing

"Drive to my cafe, I've aggh got first aid there I'll try fix it.. Gah if it looks bad we're going to the hospital."

Why is it kind of attractive, when he takes charge.

No Craig.


I nodded before driving towards his cafe.

Tweeks Pov

'I fell' a lie I know all to well, Craig didn't fall.

He was pushed.

I thought back to Craig's words when i first got into the car

'My dads being uh ummm a bit bitchy'

Yeah right more like an Abusive asshole.

I wasn't going to push Craig into saying anything, but I wish I could tell him I know what it's like and I'm there for him.

Craig's Pov

I turned the car of and jumped out, following Tweek who was already unlocking the door.

"Just sit there"

I nodded, before placing myself on the soft sofa, my vision following tweek, who was now in an employees only bit.

He came back out with a red bag that stated 'family first aid kit' in massive white letters.

"Can you turn around gahh"

I nodded before turning my back to Tweek, so he could now face my head.

Carefully he took of my hat and placed it in my lap.

"I'll be back" Tweek spoke before heading behind
the employees only door

I waited a few minutes, before he came out with a bowl of luke warm water and a cloth.

He settled the bowl on the coffee table next to us.

"I'm gonna GAH need to clean the blood, so I can see the wound.. it might hurt a bit AGgh I'll try to be gentle"

I nodded not saying a word

Tweek put the cloth in the water before squeezing it out.

"Ok, gonna do it now okay?"

The warm cloth gently touched my head, I could feel the warmth radiating of it.. it was kind of relaxing

Tweek put the cloth back in the water and squeezed it out once more, turning the water a pale red from the blood.

I looked away feeling a bit grossed out

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now