24- Teamwork

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Ok listen I was mid writing this like 2 days ago, then got hungry, made food and ate, and kind of forgot I was writing lmaoo so I'm sorry for the delay, Forgive me :)

Tweek was sat in the corner pulling at his hair, taking large quick breaths. I bend down to his level and sit next to him, I'm not sure but I think he's having an anxiety attack,

I take his hand and squeeze it,

He looks at me for a split second before pulling his hair with his left hand,

"Tweek don't do that" I speak trying to sound nicer than usual,

He looks at me and puts his hand down, Tears begin to pour out of his eyes,

"Craig.." he whispers, he sounds distraught and his breathing is a bit ragged,

"Deep breaths Tweek" I sit In front of him and place my hands gently on his arms.

He avoids eye contact with me as if he's embarrassed,

He should know I'd never judge him.

"I'll help you Tweek, I'll help you learn, maybe if I teach you the basics your memory will come back and do the rest."


"Does that sound good?" I smile

He hesitates but then nods, calming down a little more now,

"Ok we're gonna have to close for today though, if that's okay?"

"Yeah" he attempted to smile,

I hate seeing him like this.

I leave the employees only bit and wait for the remaining customers to leave,

After 20 minutes the last person walks out the door, I immediately head to it and flip the open and close sign to the closed side, locking the door a few seconds after.

Right this can't be hard I think to myself, I've just got to teach myself the basics.

"There's a family coffee recipe book in the corner there, that's how I learned the first time"

Wait if that's how he learned, why am I teaching him?

You know what that doesn't matter it would be useful for me to learn as well anyways, in case he ever needs me to help him out.

I pick up the book and look for the basics,

God why is there so much??!

Ok let's start:

Espresso tick

Cappuccino which I already know how to make thanks to that lady tick

Latte nope

Flat white nope

Americano nope

Cold brew tick

Okay that's not to bad that's 3 basic drinks I need to learn,

I've got this

Tweek chuckled from behind me,

"Shit you scared me"

"Sorry you just looked really into it, it made me chuckle"

No twitches, I love he's that comfortable around me.

I smile and begin to teach myself the basics,

After a messy 45 minutes I finally made about 12 coffees,

"I think I've finally got it.. wait. Who's gonna drink all of that?" I question rubbing my neck,

I hate coffee, so not me,

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now