37-what have i done?..

730 16 37

I nervously look around, praying a nurse would walk into the room any moment now.

My breath quickened as dad came closer, slowly he bent down and whispered into my ear.

"I won't kill you because I want some fun. However if you tell a single soul about anything, including the drugs. I will kill Craig, and unlike Thomas I'll actually succeed. You know what I'm capable of Tweek." He spoke scarily calm,

He moved away as I stared at him frustrated and taken aback by how evil this man is.

"Ok sweetie I'm back, now who did this to you???"

I sighed and looked away, trying to hold back my tears,

"I don't.. remember, I think I was drugged." I said in defeat,

"Oh sweetie I'm just glad you're safe.. me and dad will leave now, so you can see your friends" mom smiled,

At least my my mom was a normal parent.

As they closed the door I threw my head back in defeat, what have I done?..

"Tweek!" A loud voice startled me as I sat lost in my thoughts,

"I'm so glad you're alive, Craig was like all mopey without you" Clyde chuckled,

It never fails to surprise me how terrible Clyde is at reading the room, but I can't help but chuckle,

"Hi Clyde" I smile, happy to hear a familiar voice,

"Ok! Im going to leave you and Craig to it.. I'll be back in a minute! Im going to call the guys and let them know you're back!" Clyde waved as he exited the room,

"Well.. long time no see.." I awkwardly smile at Craig, not sure why I'm feeling nervous and awkward,

Huh? Weird.

Before I could say anything, Craig had pulled me into a hug,

I smile and hug him back, I've missed this.

"Don't ever scare me like that again" craig muffled into my shoulder,

"As if I had a choice" I quietly chuckle, trying to make myself feel better about the few days and even the past few minutes .

Though I don't think Craig was too happy with that as he just death stared me after..

"Tweek.. who-"

Before he could get another word I'm I quickly interrupted "um gah I have no idea agh I was.. drugged?"


Stupid twitches.

Craig carefully watched me, not saying a word making me feel slightly nervous, he's on to me.

"You're twitching." He deadpanned,

"No ag I'm not." I confidently say, god I need to shut up, like right now.

"Tweek.. on the way here you were adamant your dad doesn't find out. Why?" He asked in a serious tone,


I forgot about that..

"Oh did I?? Shit that agh blood loss really ah did a number on me. Right??" I fake laugh, trying everything to avoid eye contact,

I've never been a good liar.

Craig's Pov

I know he's lying to me.

I mean it wouldn't take much to figure that out, he's terrible at lying,

The question is, why?

I continue to watch his mannerisms, he's doing everything in his power to avoid eye contact with me,

He knows I know.

I sigh thinking maybe he just wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Any room for me?" I half smile, gesturing towards the hospital bed,

Finally Tweek relaxed, nodding, he moved up slightly, so I could fit.

I carefully sat, making sure to avoid all the needles and wires.

I lean my head against the wall,

"I missed you." I quietly whisper,

" I missed you too" Tweek smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder,

Without a thought I take of my chullo and place it on his head, quickly he looked up with a confused expression.

"You should wear blue more. Suits you." I quietly chime,

Tweek smiles, "looks better on you" he chuckled,

"Smooth" I laughed as he rested his head back on my shoulder,

I take in his warmth as I close my eyes,

Thank god Clyde decided to piss.

Helens Pov

"Tweek honey, you're other friends are here do you want me to-aww" I smile as I look at both Tweek and Craig asleep,

Tweeks body and head was leaning on Craig, as Craig supported his weight, with his arm wrapped around him as well,

I fight all urges to cry, from how adorable this scene is.

I pull out my phone and take a quick snap,

This one's going in the photo album! I smile to myself,

As I close the door I bump into Richard,

"Look at this dear, how cute am I right??" I beam with happiness,

"Yes." He reply's dryly,

I rolled my eyes, you'd think he'd be happier our only son has been found,

Sometimes I wonder if this is the man I married.

He's never been abusive physically or emotionally to me, but it just feels different, he seems.. angrier?

It might just be all in my head, I'm sure Tweek would've spoke up if he thought the same,

I mean I know how much Tweek adores his dad, they did everything together when Tweek was little. Yes their relationship isn't as close now but they still get along very well, and that's all I could ask for,

And if Tweeks happy, then I'm happy!

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now