15- Of cause it was you

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"What are we going to do, my dads going to Bea- Agh scream at me" Tweek exclaimed

I jerked my head in his direction, was he going to say beat him?

Maybe I'm just hearing things, probably just my conscious because of my fucked up dad

"Well I recon it will take 3 weeks to make it look nice and fresh again" Clyde commented

"Gah their back in a week!!" Tweek began to shake uncontrollably again

"Well it could be shorter, but it would take a while to get people out, to fix the damaged walls and shit, repaint the walls and all the other stuff"


Both Clyde and Tolkien turned their heads towards me

God damn it.

"What??" Tweek spoke up noticing clydes and Tolkiens actions

"Well me and Tolkien can help with the painting.. And Craig is really good at fixing things, he's a nerd" Clyde laughed

"What has that got to do with me being good at fixing things asshole" I deadpanned

"Well you know fixing things is like solving maths problems"

"I like science not math" I glared at him before flipping him of

I turned back to Tweek

"We'll get it done before your parents are home" I smile,

"Woah did you see that Tolkien??" Clyde laughed

I rolled my eyes choosing to ignore him now,

"Gah thanks guys, we'll start tomorrow if that's okay?"

We all smile and agree in unison, looks like it's going to be a busy week.

It was now Tuesday and the four boys agreed to meet at Tweeks cafe, straight after school.

"We bought the forest green paint!" Clyde and Tolkien smiled

Tweek had asked them to get the exact same colour the wall originally was,

He knew If he changed the cafe to much his dad would kill him, even if it looked better.

Tweek unlocked the cafe and let everyone in, before locking it again,

He had placed a sign on the door stating that there's renovations going on so customers and regulars knew it was closed.

Clyde and Tolkien began painting the wall, as Craig sat down on the floor and began fixing the newly created holes in the walls.

Tweek carefully watched him to see how he was going to fix it,

Not sure if he could.

Craig began to get rid of the loose pieces, once he collected them all he pulled out a large square ruler thing, he said something like a carpenter square drawing and measuring the wall,

He then pulled out a large blade, and began cutting a medium size square into the wall, once the square popped out he placed two large rectangles of wood behind the wall and secured them with a drill and screws,

After he pulled a large square of wall of the same material and drilled it into the empty square, once finished he put some wall tape on the edges of the square to make sure it's secure, he pulled out a large tub of joint compound and slathered it all over the damaged area, then smoothing it out with a metal tool.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now