20- A feeling of betrayal

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The drive back from the hospital was silent,

me and Tweek would exchange a few glances every now and then,

But nothing was ever said.

I walked Tweek to his door and apologised for everything,

"Craig it's fine really.. it's not your fault" he smiles

I'm so grateful he's like this,

I pulled him into a hug shocking him and I,

Jesus, I never thought I'd be doing this to anyone,

Tweek waves as he closes the door I walk back to the car,

Silence again.

I shudder as I see the large stain on my carpet,

Eveything was still the same,

The Wendy's rubbish was still sat there, the sleeping bags, the blood..

Like nothing happened.


I need to sleep

I crash onto my bed and instantly am knocked out.

(Time skip-next morning)

A knock on my door woke me up out of my slumber,

"Craig get ready for school"

Jesus, my body must've been exhausted I slept for hours,

I took a quick shower, got changed and headed to the bus stop,

I stood there staring at the snow on the path, thinking to myself,

"Hey Craig" a familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Oh hey" I half smile at Red,

"I heard about what happened, and I'm really sorry" she places her hand on my shoulder,

I assume my mom told her about what happened,

I'm not really in the mood to talk about it, so I just half smile at her,

Thankfully the bus pulled up, stopping anymore possible conversation

As I walked onto the bus, the silence grew

Everyone was staring at me,

What the fuck,

I mean I know my face is fucked up, but it's not like they've never seen a beaten face before.

"Fuck of." I deadpan,

Everyone instantly goes back to their conversations,

Ahh that's better,

That's the Craig tucker I know,

Hopefully he's making a come back, I hate all this emotion shit,

Maybe even worst this time..

As I sat down I noticed Tweek wasn't on the bus, he must've got a lift

Maybe for the better, if I'm going to go back to the cold heartless asshole i need to keep Tweek out of the picture,

I can't risk hurting him, just because I'm fucked up..

I don't want that.

The bus comes to a halt, we're at Cartmans stop,

I immediately put my earphones in, not wanting to put up with his shit,

Guess that was stupid of me,

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now