31- missing

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The drive was eerily silent, I had no idea where we were going,

It seemed out of town, we were in a designated area, surrounded by trees and forests,

Oh my god this is not good.

He's going to kill me.

"Um Agh where gah are we ag going?" I twitch, due to the extreme anxiety I'm feeling.

"Don't talk unless spoken to." My dad sternly said,

I nodded trying to hold in my tears, I can feel a panic attack coming any minute now.

He finally pulls up at some sort of abandoned barn?

Oh he's definitely going to kill me,

I'm so dead.

No no no no no

I can't die now.

I think about running, but he's right behind me and where would I go it's forest for at least 7 miles.

I just accept defeat and hope to god he's not going to kill me.

I walk in the barn it's dark and smells like shit.

I suddenly hit the floor, i wince in pain. "What the fuck."

In a moment of vulnerability my dad grabs my wrists and secures one in a cuff.


"Dad what the fuck are you doing."

"I'm so sick of your shit, you annoying twitchy bastard, me and your mom will be better without you."

"So you're just going to fucking leave me here to starve to death??!" I shout my voice full of anger and sadness.

The evil prick turned around and smiled innocently,

"Yeah pretty much"

My eyes widen "you're fucking wrong in the head"

"that's what meth will do kid, you should know going of the fact it's in every coffee you drink" he chuckled ,

"WHAT??" I nearly choke, at the sudden reveal,

he smiled "have fun!" As he walked of, I watched the car flashlights disappear,

I'm cuffed up in a dark barn by my own dad who wants me to die, in the middle of nowhere and I'm a Meth addict.

Everything hits me at once, tears begin falling,

All I can do is hope and wait for now..

Craig's Pov (time skip-next day)

I leave the house with a massive hangover and a banging headache,

Who thought it was a good idea to get pissed on a school night,

I walk towards Tweeks house, I sent him a text a few minutes ago letting him know I'll meet him.

But still no reply, which is odd.

I knock on the door of his house, I waited patiently until someone finally opened it,

His dad obviously.

"Um hi is Tweek ready for school" I try to sound nicer than usual,

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now