16- Sonic All Star

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Out of all the fucking people it could've been,

It had to be Kenny mcormick.

"In the office, I mean that's kinda kinky" Kenny smirked

"Shut up" I death stared him,

Though he didn't seem one bit affected, this fucker was getting entertainment out of this.

"I mean Craig you give of that vibe but Tweek Tweak? Damn was not expecting that" he chuckled

Is Tweek chuckling??

Why is he entertaining this.

"So when did you guys get together?" Kenny asked


This is awkward..

I really want to disappear right now

Tweek broke the silence "we're not together."

God why did that kind of sting, I mean he only said the truth,

We're just messing around..


Yeah.. right.

Kenny rolled his eyes "you guys are so fucking clueless"

He leaned on the counter, taking the hot chocolate thanking Tweek and then waved goodbye to us,

Now exiting the cafe.

Now it's silent once again,

Fucking Kenny and his big mouth..

"Well uh um I need to uh get home, do you uh need a lift?" I sputtered nervously

What the fuck is wrong with me??

Im stuttering like a little girl who's talking to her crush,

That's new.

"Sure" Tweek smiles

Thank god.

Tweek locked up the front doors before jumping into my car,

After 10 minutes we arrived at his house I waved goodbye as Tweek left, before driving towards my house.

(Time skip-next day)

I sit down next to Clyde opposite Tweek, Tolkien and Jimmy,

Tweeks basically joined our group as we've spent the last week together it just makes sense,

Plus I want him here.

"Wanna sleep round mine tonight?, I have a free house" I ask

They all smile


"Yeah man"

"Of-o-of ca-cause"

I look at Tweek who still hasn't replied,

Please, please say yes.

"Sure" he smiled

I try to hide the smile creeping up on my face, why am I like this??

I was literally so good at hiding my emotions 3 weeks ago,

What happened?

We continued chatting about the most random topics, before the bell rang.

Time for class I guess.

Clydes pov

Tolkien, Jimmy and I share this class,

However Tweek and Craig did not

"Dudes I can't help but feel like we're being cockblockers"

"I know, they could possibly be home alone and Craig decides to invite us as well. He's so slow" Tolkien rolls his eyes

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now