43- The moon and sun

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2 weeks later
It's been two weeks since my dad was arrested, there was an immediate trial, of course I had to testify against him.

It felt good seeing his face when he was sentenced to 30 years,

For everything I've endured, this is what I wanted.

Yes it's not perfect, knowing my dad will never love me like a dad should, he'll never come to my boxing tournaments, never be able to teach me how to drive, Never watch my wedding..

Nothing a dad shouldn't do.

It hurts but it could never hurt more than what he did,

at the end of the day though he'll never be able to do those things with me, I have my actual family to see that and that's all I could ask for, And not only that,


Craig has been through the exact thing, it's like talking to a reflection.. someone who just gets it.

I finally feel okay.

"What you thinking about tweeks?" I hear Craig's voice pulling me away from my thoughts,


"Um is that good or bad??"

"Good definitely good" I grin.

Craig smiles, "there's a full moon tonight how about we go to the beach to get the best view?"

"Yes! I love the beach, it's calming"

"I just know you too well" Craig smiles, as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Right I've got to go! I told Bebe I'd meet her at the cafe" i smile,

"Ok honey see you later" Craig waved me of as I headed towards the cafe,

I push the door hearing the familiar chime of the bell,

I see Bebes blonde curls and sit down,

"Hey Tweek!"

"Hey Bebe" I smile,

"Ok so update me on youre life I haven't seen you in like 8 years"

"Um Bebe I don't think it was that long.."

"Exaggerating Tweek." She rolled her eyes,

I laugh "well the court went well dad got 30 years, and now I've just been enjoying my time with Craig"

Bebe grins "what?"

"I always shipped you two, I mean come on you used to spend every lunch staring at him"

Damn she didn't need to expose me like that,

"You're like the sun and moon omg that's so cute!" She squealed,

I laugh "you are creative"

We continued to chatter for a while, just catching up on little things.

Craig's Pov

I hop down the stairs as I hear the doorbell go off,

I opened it surprised to see Clyde, Tolkien and Jimmy,

"What brings you 3 gentlemen here today" I chuckle,

"We came to hang out" Clyde smiles as he lets his self in,

"At my house unannounced" I roll my eyes,

"Dude you have the best games on Wii" Tolkien chirped up,

"Wow so I'm being used."

"Y-y-yes!" Jimmy laughed,

"Wow you guys are unbelievable" I laugh,

I hop up the stairs, the 3 idiots following behind.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now