29-In a cart in the rain

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( I know. I know it's been a whole ass month I'm sorry 💀 my excuse is I had the worst writers block, like so bad, but yeah I'm out of it so I'm back yay! :)

Also I'll never leave a story unfinished so if it's not complete, I'm most likely busy or just have writers block or something like that, don't panic! It will be finished I swear! )

(Also I'm sorry if there's bad spelling and punctuation but I'm too tired to go through it right now, so I'll do it tomorrow ok that's all 😋)

2 hours later (Tolkiens Pov)

"Um guys don't you think you've had enough, you've been drinking for two hours straight?.."  I look at a wobbly Tweek and a giggly Craig, both staring each other down.

"Not until Tweek admits...he's more of a lightweight"

"Nooooo i mmm not" Tweek spoke stumbling his words,

"Says the one who can't speak" Craig laughed, Followed by a death stare from Tweek.

"Let the lovebirds be Tolkien, can't you feel the tension" Clyde spoke, making me jump slightly from his sudden appearance.


"No buts, look Nicole's here go make a move"

Woah how the fuck did he know I liked Nicole, do I make it that obvious??

Oh god I hope not.


"Because you have a fat crush on her dude. GO!" Clyde laughed while pushing me into Nicole.

Before I could death stare the overbearing Clyde, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh hi Tolkien" Nicole smiled,

"Um hi"

Oh god I hate myself, that was so awkward.

Let's hope this goes well.

Tweeks pov

"Admit it Tweeks you're a lightweight." Craig laughed while waving a beer in my face,

"I am not. You're just as drunk as me asshole" I rolled my eyes,

Craig's face had became a light shade of pink, from the alcohol and he was a lot smiley than usual. Oh and giggly.

Which means he is drunk whether he likes to admit or not,

"Ok ok here's the deal, if you ditch the party with me, I won't make fun of you for being a lightweight even though you are!"

Sly fucker.

"Fine. But I'm bringing this vodka with me"

"Not that you need anymore, I'll take care of it for you." Craig said reaching for the bottle,

"Nope this is mine" I smile as I pull the bottle away from him,

He rolled his eyes, clearly admitting defeat, I giggled quietly making sure he doesn't hear,

Craig put his arm around my shoulders, causing me to look at him surprised,

I wasn't expecting that, it's just to support me I guess.

"See ya Clyde tell Tolkien I said bye!" Craig screamed basically deafening me as we walked out the door.

"Sooo where too?"

Craig raised his eyebrow for a moment before smiling,


"Seriously Craig, Walmart."

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now