6- my secret weakness

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TW- minor bullying

I hate people seeing me vulnerable, and I just let the one and only, Craig. The Craig tucker see me at my most vulnerable point.

I mean this boy, doesn't even show emotions, I don't know why he keeps helping me, maybe he feels sorry for me.

I hope not.

"Omg guess what!" A High pitched voice shrieked out of no where.

"GAHH BEBE! I told you to stop sneaking up on me Jesus" I shook

"Oh yeah sorry, anyways Stan and Wendy broke up" she spoke while taking a seat at the table.

"What?? No way, they were so cute why!?"

"Oh apparently it was a mutual agreement, no hard feelings they said"

I smiled, that's good I like Stan and Wendy and I'd feel bad if they were going through shit.

Bebe ignored me as she seemed to be to focused on one corner of the cafeteria, I followed her vision only to land on Craig.

"Do you think he ever gets lonely?" She asked while still staring at him.

Craig was Sat in the furthest corner of the room, not one person dared to sit near him, he sat leaning against the wall and stared at his phone.

"No I don't, I think GaHh there's a reason he's so cold, he doesn't EHH want to be around people. He's closed of. He's convinced his self he likes to be lonely, whether it's true or not"

Bebe raised an eyebrow at me "damn Tweek how long have you spent trying to figure him out" Bebe knew tweek to well,

that was the one good thing about being that weird boy everyone ignores, tweek observed, he knew everything about everyone.

Craig was one of the people he was most fixated on

fourth grade he was still him, but more open and happy.

He actually let people in, he had a lot of friends

But then one day during freshman year, he stopped talking to everyone and became emotionless to everything.

And Tweek always wondered what caused that.

Or who.

"Earth to Tweek" Bebe waved her hand in my face

I twitched, before we continued our conversation.

Craig's PoV

The last bell rang, unluckily for me I had a detention usually I'd just skip, but I don't wanna be in the same building as my mum.

I was still very pissed of.

To my surprise I was the first one there, even though I was 5 minutes late?

I took a seat at the back, before staring out the window.

"GAHH" I jolted my head,


Why's he in detention I thought, until I remembered Monday where he sent Cartman flying to the floor.

I chuckled at the replay in my head.

He sat two seats in front of me, on the right side closest to the door.

I don't think he noticed me, he's so lost in his own world half the time.

Two random guys walked in and took a seat.

Kenny walked in after, who took a seat next to me

"Tucker what did you do this time?" Kenny smirked

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now