26-Meet the actual Craig Tucker

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"Jesus why is it so loud" craig mutters,

I nod in agreement, that microphone had to be some sort of professional one, everyone in the house would've been able to hear it.

Everyone stops what their doing and turn their attention to Cartman,

"Alright now that I have everyone's attention, I would like to give a little speech about my favourite fucking fag"

I feel Craig tense up as he death stares him,

Cartman turns to Craig and I,

Oh shit.

Before Cartman could get another word in, craig begins to speak,

"You fat fucking asshole I told you to stop messing around" he deadpans with a little more spite in his words than usual,

Cartman just smiles "oh well you see tucker you said you'd only ruin my life if I hurt your precious little boyfriend and well... I'm not here for him today. I'm here for you."

I observe Craig in concern, his breathings quickened a little and he's just death staring Cartman.

I look around everyone's watching Craig and Cartman,


Craig's Pov

What could this asshole possibly do or say,

He's already told the whole school about the dad incident, he has nothing else on me,

I roll my eyes thinking he's all talk,

Then he opens his big mouth,

"Anyways guys as we all know tucker here is an asshole, but have you guys ever thought before freshman he was less hmm robotic"

I can feel my whole body tense up, no no no no.

It's fine he's just observed something, he doesn't know anything.

"Well I happen to get my hands on a police report" he smirked as he waves the files in the air.

Oh I'm fucked.

"Shall we have a little read tucker?" He chuckles,

I'm holding my breath as he opens the file,

"Let's start, 45 year old male Thomas tucker in custody, for beating his wife, beating his son and attempting to beat his daughter."

I'm biting my lip, I can feel everyone's eyes on me,

I can hear murmurs and whispers, I don't dare look around

I think back to the night,

I had just said goodbye to the guys and began walking home,

As I unlock the door, I can see what looks like blood stains randomly dotted in a few random places,


Somethings wrong, I check every room,

I get upstairs and I see moms body, she's hardly recognisable... I thought she was dead..

I can see dad trying to break ruby's door down,

"Open the door you little bitch"

I can hear ruby's cry's and screams, begging him to stop.

The door finally gave in, and I immediately went into panic mode

"Dad. What the fuck have you done??"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now