38- fuck this

557 14 29

4 days later :)

"Who was it?"


"Who did that to you?"

"Craig.. I already told you I can't remember."

"Yeah but you're also lying, so I'm just going to keep asking."


"who did it?"


"Who are you trying to protect, even better why???"

"No one. Drop it Craig."

I chew my lip trying to hide my frustrated sigh from Tweek,

It's been 4 days and still no answers.

Tweeks a paranoid human, there is no way some random person of the street could magically drug him, without his paranoid ass noticing.

"I'll be back" i nonchalantly spoke, not giving Tweek time to protest.

I walk towards the stairs and notice Richard making his way up,


I half smile, I can't lie that guy scares me he gives me the same vibe as my dad, I try my best to avoid him.

I walk outside and pull the box of cigarettes out of my hoodie pocket,

Old habits die hard I guess.

As I light the tip I can't stop thinking,

Who was it?

Tweeks pov

I sigh as I step away from the window, Craig's smoking again,

He had stopped for a while, I guess this situation must've stressed him out,

This isn't good, I didn't mean for this to get so out of hand..

It's just.

My dad.

I'm terrified I know what he's capable of, like he said, and I'm not willing to risk Craig's safety like that.

Speaking of the devil,

"One word and he's dead"

"Yes dad" I quietly say as my head drops,

There's only one way to fix this.

"I'm back"

I jump,


"Fuck you scared agh me" I nervously laugh as Craig stares at me with a blank expression.

"Sooo what are watching tonight? I'm thinki-"

"Actually Craig there's sgh something we need to talk about.." I calmly say, minus the twitches of cause,

"Yeah sure what's up?" Craig half smiles I can tell he's slightly nervous.


"Well I think with everything agh that's just gone on, I need.. space.. and egh that's from my friends and well.. you."

"Uhhhhh" "nice joke idiot, ok you can drop the act now." Craig half smiled.

Quietly I stare at him.

"Oh.. you're not Joking are you?"

I shake my head, not being able to get the word out.

"Oh um.. yeah that's fine. I uhhh um will leave you to it" Craig's voice cracked, as he left my bedroom.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now