17- spaceboy and starboy

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"Hmm do you want to meet stripe?"


I nodded in excitement, heading towards the drawers in the corner of my room,

I smiled as I heard the small chirps, I opened the door of the large cage,

I reached in and gently took stripe out, walking back to Tweek, who was now eyeing me curiously.

"Meet stripe!"

Tweeks pov

Pretending like I haven't seen his Guinea pig by stalking his instagram, is pretty awkward,

"Gah he's so flipping cute" I stare at the white and brown striped Guinea pig,

Creative name I thought while trying to hold back a snicker,

Craig smiled, while petting him,

I don't think I've ever seen Craig so passionate about something,

"Do you want to hold him?"

"Um I don't know what if I Gah drop agh him"

Craig chuckled

"I wouldn't let you hold him, if I thought you'd drop him"

I hesitated then let out a nervous breath


Craig grinned as he gently placed stripe in my hands, who was no staring into my soul curiously,

I petted his head

"So fluffy" I chuckle

"I think he likes you" Craig spoke his tone softer than before,

I smile

"I like him too" I say as I continue petting him,

"Here, I don't want to drop him last minute" I laugh as I pass stripe back to Craig,

He laughed before placing stripe back in his cage,

"Woah it's already dark out" Craig said as he looked out the window,

I nod,

"Let's order food what do you want?"

"I'll have anything"

I smile, I'm not really a picky eater so I don't mind

Craig thought for a second "How about Wendy's?"

"Sounds good!"

"Alright what do you want?"

"I'll just have what you have"

Craig smiles "okay."

He pulled out his phone and began tapping on the Wendy's app,

"It should be here in 30"

I nod,

"In the meantime do you want something to drink?"

"Do you have coffee?"

Craig laughs "yes we do, I was talking alcohol but you can have coffee if you want"

Oh..that's embarrassing,

"You can have both"

I smile

"That sounds good" I grin

Craig gestures for me to follow him downstairs and we head into the kitchen,

"How do you like your coffee?"

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now