5- tired of fighting

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I held onto my thigh, I could feel my blood seeping through my trousers.

I bit my lip, waiting anxiously for the bus to finally arrive at school.

As soon as it did I hopped of the bus, groaning in Angony, trying to fight the pain.

I headed towards the nearest bathroom, once In a locked stall,

with shaky hands I pulled down my trousers, to show two medium sized circular wounds, covered in blood. My skin had began to bruise where Cartman had been moving the compass around, Blood was still gushing out of the wounds.

I let out a defeated huff, trying not to cry anymore than I already have.

A gentle knock on the door startled me,

"Gahhh" I screamed

"Tweek? Can you let me in?"


I pulled up my trousers and opened the door, trying my best to look okay.

"Hi Craig.." he ignored me, as he examined my body for injury's, I prayed he wouldn't see the blood stains on my trousers.

His eyes reached my thigh, he stared at it for a few seconds then looked back up at me.

"What's that" he asked with his monotonous tone

"Oh uh yeah Gahh that just a uh coffee stain, Yep ahh clumsy me ehh" I spoke rubbing the back of my neck, hoping he wouldn't see though me.

He stared at me for a few seconds

"Tweek what is that?" he asked again his voice slightly stiff

I huffed and look down at my feet

"Um it's gah just blood, but uh it's fine really!"I said trying to sound as cheery as I could.

"Show me." He spoke with no emotion whatsoever, his eyes still staring at my thigh.

I twitched, "well uh I'd have to take my trousers of in front of you Gahh, and that's awkward gah"

He stared at me, before taking of his jacket with ease, "here wrap it around your waist, then I won't see anything"

God damn it, why is he so persistent

I knew I wasn't getting out of this I took his jacket, and wrapped it around my waist, great now I look like I'm wearing a skirt.

Slowly I pulled down my trousers, trying to avoid contact with the wounds.

Craig stared down at me this whole time, not once shifting his gaze.

I rubbed my arm, feeling slightly vulnerable.

Craig's Pov
I looked down at Tweeks naked thigh, two large gashes, side to side from each other. It looked like tinier versions of bullet shot wounds, I could see the dark edges of where they began to bruise. Blood ran down his leg and was smeared all over his thigh.

I looked back up at Tweek, who was rubbing his arm avoiding eye contact with me.

"Sit" I said before heading out the stall.

Tweek obeyed, placing the toilet seat down and placing his self there.

I grabbed lots of paper towel, and ran some under the tap.

(I know this could cause an affection, but this is wattpad logic leave me alone 😭)

I bent down below Tweek, trying to avoid contact with the floor, knowing it probably has Someone's piss all over it.

"This might hurt" I spoke softly, unusual.

I placed the wet paper towel on his thigh, he squirmed, grabbing my wrist as a reflex.

I looked at him "sorry" he spoke

"it's okay" I replied.

I cleaned the blood of as gently as I could, Tweek would twitch every now and then making it slightly harder to clean him.

By the time I had cleaned it, less blood was coming out of the wounds, I went down his leg with the wet paper towel trying to get rid of the dry blood.

"Do you happen to have a bandage" I asked.

"Yes, gahh I always carry bandages"

That fact saddened me a little, snapping me out of my thoughts Tweek passed me a white bandage.

Carefully I tied the bandage around tweeks thigh, covering up the wounds. I tied a knot making sure it wouldn't fall down.

I stood up "all done"

Tweek looked down at his thigh, then back at me

"T-thanks craig, you didn't need to gahh help me now or on the bus, I appreciate it"

"a favour for a favour" I replied lifting my hand up to show the bandage around my hand.

Tweek chuckled "you should probably ahh change that"

I smiled.

Stop that I thought, before going back to my blank expression.



"Why didn't you fight back?" I asked wanting to know the answer.

Tweek seemed to be a taken back by the question, before looking down as if he was ashamed, he shook his head before looking back up at me.

"I'm just tired Craig.." he barely just whispered

I looked at him sympathetically not knowing what to say..

Craig went to speak, but was quickly cut of by the main bathroom door opening.

"HAHAH did you see him kehl he was all like crying and shit, what a cry baby" Cartman laughed

Tweek looked up at Craig in horror, Craig watched Tweek carefully and noticed him shaking, he was going to twitch any second now.

Without thinking Craig put his hand over tweeks mouth, he  looked up at him with terrified eyes. Craig gestured for him to be as quiet as he could.

Craig knew If they heard Tweek, Cartman would be on his back right away.

"Fatass do you really think I'm going to agree with you, Tweek didn't deserve that you're going to far man" Kyle replied with annoyance in his voice.

That's one persons ass I don't have to kick, craig thought.

"Whatever dude, I know Stan agrees with me"

A voice came from the stall next to them, making both boys jump.

"No I don't, just you Cartman."  Stan replied before flushing the toilet.

Make it two

"you guys are lame" Cartman whinged before silence filled the bathroom again.

Craig took his hand of tweeks mouth before putting his hand back in his pockets.

"What an asshole" Craig said blankly

Tweek was still shaking, taking everything in.

"Thank you ahh craig" he broke the silence before getting his bag and unlocking the door, limping out the room as quickly as he could, leaving Craig behind.

Craig watched as he left, trying to figure out his emotions.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now