11- making romance happen

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"You two make quite a... good team" Red smirked

"Agreed" Bebe said quickly glancing at red suggestively

"Shut up" Craig deadpanned while taking the last drag from his cigarette

Tweek stared at his knuckles, that were covered in blood and bruises

He twitched a lot more than usual


Bebe smiled sympathetically before pulling tweeks wrist gently lifting him up, they headed towards the toilet to fix him up

Craig watched as they walked of into the distance, oblivious to the fact Red was watching him

Red pulled out her phone and text Bebe

Bebe: sleep round mine tonight I have a plan ;)

"What you staring at Craig???"

"Hmm? oh nothing" Craig spoke with no obvious tone that could give away what he was thinking

"Um can you keep an eye on Tweek I need to sort something out"

Red nodded

Craig took this as his signal to leave to finish something.

Craig's Pov

If he was that desperate for money he could've just asked me

Actually that's a bit stupid I'm not exactly welcoming

I headed towards his usual spot

Found him

His bright orange parka gave away his position and the strong smell of smoke.

"I know tucker I fucked up.. can you leave it" Kenny spoke sounding rather frustrated

I sighed

"How much do you need?"

"Huh" he turned around and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"Money. How much?" I deadpanned

"No I'm not taking your money" Kenny spoke up slightly

"But you'll take cartmans as long as you beat Tweek."

Kenny sighed

He knew it wasn't his best moment


There was no point of arguing with Craig and Kenny knew this

Craig handed him the money plus an extra 50 out of sympathy

"Why.. I mean thank you really I appreciate it but why do you have all that cash on you" Kenny chuckled

"I don't trust my dad not to take it"


That was too much over sharing Craig

"Well thank you I appreciate it really" Kenny smiled

"Don't thank me. Your lucky I didn't beat the shit out of you. Try touch Tweek again and I will beat the shit out of you."

Kenny smirked "like I said you really seem to like Tweek hmm"

I rolled my eyes before leaving

Reds Pov:

"Red someone's at the door" my mum screamed

I ran down the stairs and pulled Bebe in bringing her to my room immediately.

"Red Jesus what are you doing??" Bebe whined

I smiled

"I'm just excited"


"Because we're gonna make romance happen."

Bebe raised her eyebrow


"Tweek and Craig"

Bebes questionable look on her face Turned into a massive grin

"Oh it's so happening, what's the plan?"

(Sorry this chapters so short, I've been super busy but I need to get some chapters released :) )

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now