3-family problems

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He snatched my hand with his shaky hands, he wiped all the blood away leaving just purple and blue patches.

He poured antiseptic wound cleaning shit on my cuts, it fucking hurt but I didn't move.

Not wanting to show any sign of weakness

Carefully he wrapped a bandage around my knuckles, tying it into place.

"All done you should EGHhh probably stop punching walls"

How? How did he know I punched a wall, what the fuck?

"How do you know I punched a wall?" I asked curious now

He stopped and then began twitching an awful lot

"Gahh I uh just ahh know" he replied before quickly walking behind the counter, he was obviously uncomfortable with the question I asked.


I took a sip from my hot chocolate, holy Shit that's good.

Before I knew it I had downed all the warm liquid, I placed it in the bin and then walked up to the counter, Tweek must've been in the employees only bit.

I placed five dollars on the side, though the hot chocolate was only $2, I was feeling kind.. which was unusual.

I need that to stop.

And I headed out.

Tweeks PoV

I hope he didn't see through me.

I can't exactly tell him why I knew he had punched a wall.

I went to the employees only bit, trying to calm myself down, i took a sip from my cup before gaining my composure and leaving the room.

I looked at the booth where craig was, realising he wasn't In it, I scanned the room to make sure he definitely left.

I let out a breath realising he's gone, I notice on the counter a five dollar bill.

Hmm it was only $2 but thanks Craig I thought to myself.

"hi I'll have a toffee latte" a customers voice spoke interrupting my thoughts, I smiled before going back to Serving.

Craig's PoV
I closed my window behind me as I landed in my room.

"Hi stripe" I waved at my Guinea pig before unlocking the door,

Quietly I stood at the top of the stairs listening for any sign of my dad, nothing.

I knocked on Tricias door, "hi" I said blankly.

Tricia turned around "what do you want" she huffed

"Hi Craig it's nice to see you" I rolled my eyes, Tricia had recently turned 14 so she was going through her moody phase.

"Did dad leave?" I asked

She shuffled "dad was here?? Why was he here?" She asked her voice full of concern, she looked scared.

"Him and mum were trying to fix things so he could come back" I replied.

"No why would they.. is mum out of her mind??" Tricia said as she began to pace her room.

I shook my head "I know I said that, at least he's gone for now" "I'll go talk to mum" I said as I closed the door not waiting for a reply.

I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen, where mum was scrubbing the dishes.

"Mum." I spoke

She turned around

"Craig we need to talk about earlier, I know this is hard for you but I think it might be for the better if dad came back, I'm struggling with bills and you know your dad earns more than me"

I stared gobsmacked "mum I will literally get part time jobs, don't let that monster back into this house."

She sighed "Craig it's not that simple, a few part time jobs is not going to get us through the year. It's for the best."

"Mum it's not for the fucking best, he fucking beats us, he even tried to hit Tricia if I wasn't there to take the beating, she could've been seriously hurt. I would rather be fucking homeless than have him back" I spat, dumbfounded at my mums lack of common sense.

She faced the window, her back to me, her voice shook "he'll be back in two days."

I stare daggers into her back, "fuck you mum" I said turning around not even having the energy to stick my middle finger up.

I lock my door, as tears filled my eyes, I promised myself I would never show this much emotion again, but yet here I am. The man that ruined me is coming back into my life in only two days.

How could mum do this, she cares more about the house than the safety of her children and herself. Hell just get a smaller house that costs less, neither me or Ruby would care.

I grabbed my wired headphones on the desk and stuck them in my ears, i played my playlist, the first song being 'Alien blues by vundabar', trying to block out the thoughts. Slowly I drifted of to sleep.

Tweeks PoV
A loud banging woke me up

"GAHhh" I screamed

"Tweek get the fuck up, you're late for school" my dad screamed from the other side of the door, aggressive as usual.

"Yes dad" I replied not bothering to scream back.

I was only two minutes later than normal, I shook my head "whatever" i muttered under my breath

I place a forest green wool jumper over my head, covering my usual button up shirt due to it being so cold today.

I jumped into my brown trousers and tied my brown converse.

I picked up my bag and unlocked the door.

Quietly I headed downstairs, I walked straight to the kitchen keeping my head down,

I placed my flask under the coffee machine and waited begging for the machine to be quick.

"Tweek." A cold voice spoke, i jumped quickly turning around to face his dad.

"Um hi dad Gahh" I twitched more obviously now.

"What did I tell you about locking your door, stop fucking locking it" he screamed stepping closer to me.

I looked down at my feet and nodded my head, hoping he'd just let it go.

I mean he's the reason I lock the door anyway.

"Look at me when spoken to" he furiously spoke

I quickly looked up, trying not to anger him any more "sorry dad"

A loud noise filled the room, a slight throb on the left side of my cheek began, I rubbed my cheek, trying not to cry.

He slapped me.

"Speak when spoken to, now get out of here"

I nodded quickly heading to the door, before he could change his mind. Leaving the place I wouldn't even call home behind.

Maybe school will be a bit better.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now