39- reconsider the deal

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"Thought you quit?"

"I did"

"Doesn't look like it"

"Shut up" I quietly spoke, not in the mood

Kenny stared at me, before taking a seat next to me, personal space doesn't exist apparently.

"What happened with you and Tweek?"

" you too? How does everyone know" I rolled my eyes,


" I should've known that fucker knows everything somehow."

"Anyways back to the Tweek convo what happened?"

I took one last smoke of my cigarette before throwing it to the ground,

"Ever since we found him at the barn he was acting strange, like he was trying to cover something up.. I kept asking him about it but he only got pissed off at me when I did. Then all of a sudden he just asked for space." I quietly spoke trying not to think too much into it,

"Hmm that does sound suspicious, OH MY GOD!"

"WHAT" I yelp as I look around startled,

"We should do investigating and find out who did it!" Kenny grinned, clearly way to excited for my liking,

"No." I deadpan,

"Ugh no fun"

"That's the point."

"Whatever I've got to go find butters, see ya tucker" Kenny smiled as he walked off hurriedly,

I look around, admiring the snow and trying to ignore my raging thoughts about the whole Tweek situation.

Well the universe had other ideas, as he appeared out of nowhere,

By himself,


I watch as he sits on the bench, Messing around with his phone while taking sips of his coffee,

I wince as a massive shooting pain consumes the back of my head,

I look down trying to ignore the pain, but before I could close my eyes I noticed small red droplets on the ground,


Thinking hard, I pull my chullo of and notice blood soaked into the ragged material,

"Fucking Cartman." I whisper to myself as I attempt to feel my wound,

What the fuck did he hit me with I think to myself,


The only person I know that can do first aid is Tweek,

Hmm he is only sitting across the field,

"Fuck it" I put my chullo back on, and begin to walk towards Tweek,

At this point my head is pounding and I'm getting a little concerned, I look behind to see little droplets of blood in the snow following behind,

I stumble slightly, the pain is starting to really take over,

I hold my head trying to lessen the pain,

After a few minutes I was finally sat next to Tweek,

He looked confused and a little Pissed, as I sat down.



"I need yo-"  the sharp pain in my head cut of my words as I wince in pain,

"Um egh what?" Tweek looked at me still confused,

I close my eyes as I begin to feel a little lightheaded,



Tweeks Pov

I told him I need space.. he's so stubborn,

"Tweek" he spoke calmly, a little whine to his voice? As if he wanted something,

"Craig" I spoke calmly,

"I need yo-" he stopped before pulling an odd expression?

What is he playing at,

"Um egh what?"

No answer,

What is he doing? For some reason he's closed his eyes and just holding his head?

I am so confused right now.

I'm starting to get a little frustrated,

"Craig??" I speak a little louder hoping he'll stop messing  around,

Before I can get another word out, he hunches over, like literally flops,

"Um." I sit up and look at him carefully,


I think he's actually unconscious,

Is that?...

I look at his chullo,


Quickly but carefully I take his chullo of, to reveal a bloody mess,

"Oh fuck."

I hurriedly unzip my bag and take out my first aid kit, I unironically bring with me everyday.

I carefully wipe the blood with sanitizer wipes,  I can see a medium sized gash,

What the fuck happened??

I think to myself, it's not a big enough wound for it to need stitches or glue, which means it can't be a dangerous injury,

I take a deep breath as I wrap a bandage around his head,

Deja vu.

I place his chullo in my bag,

I stare at his tanned face,

"I'm sorry.." I whisper quietly, as I play with his hair,

I guess I'll have to miss next period he doesn't look like he's going to be up anytime soon,

I close my eyes while listening to the birds, the first time I've truly felt at peace for a while..

Craig's Pov

I open my eyes, immediately I shudder at the sudden coldness,

I think for a second, before remembering everything, I reach for my head immediately regretting touching it as it hurt like a motherfucker,

"Don't touch it." I heard a familiar voice speak,

I look up to come face to face with Tweek,

"Sorry." I quietly say,

"What happened?" He Spoke with little to no emotion in his voice,


"Obviously" he rolled his eyes,

Making me chuckle, we sat In silence for a few seconds,

"Can we talk abou-"

"No." Tweek spoke cutting me of mid sentence,

I sigh in frustration "Tweek I know you're not telling me something and I will find out what it is." I get up quickly before he can try argue with me and walk off.

I pull out my phone and dial a number,

I take a deep breath as the phone rang,

"Just can't get enough of me can you tucker"

I roll my eyes,

"Listen Kenny about what you said earlier I'm in"

"What caused the change of mind man?"


"Tweek. Meet me at my house I'm on my way now"

"Ok see you"

I hung up the phone, this is either a good or terrible idea,

I guess time will tell.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now