28-Game on

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(OMFG it's been like 11 days my bad, first I was procrastinating then I had exams and it's just been an overall busy week. Whoops :0 Anyways enjoy :)

As his name comes out of my mouth, I hear a shaky breath,

I look back up at him, his face is pale and I can tell he's been crying and on the verge of crying again. He's shaking slightly, it must be the adrenaline.

I go to speak, but I'm cut of by his voice,

"I'm sorry.."

I look at him confused,

"For what?"

"I don't know, I guess mentioning you in the note.. it would've fucked you up if i actually.."

"Craig.. that doesn't matter because look, you're here right now. And we are friends " I smile,

He stops to think for a second, I can see a small smile forming on his face.

"You're right... friends." He takes a small breath,

"I'm so going to fuck up cartman." He deadpans

Oh shit I forgot about that,

Damn he really pissed me of.

"Oh um about that aha.." I nervously twitch a little,

Craig turns to fully face me "what did you do Tweek?"

"Well you know I may've maybe lost my temper, exposed all of his problems to everyone and maybe hit him" I chuckle nervously,

I watch craig carefully to see his reaction, worried he'd be pissed of.

A small smirk appears on his face "i fucking love you."

I stop twitching for a few seconds and stare at him, did he mean to say that?

Craig's face drops "oh I um mean as a friend obviously" he chuckles,

God I wish he wasn't so good at hiding his emotions.

"Wait how did you know about Cartmans fucked up life?" Craig asks,

"You're not the only observer Craig, being the quiet weird twitchy boy, it's easy to find out people's secrets"

Craig smiles "well I don't think you're weird, you're cool And sweet like honey"

I laugh "you're really cringe when you're not putting up a front tucker"

He rolls his eyes and sticks his middle finger in my face,

Classic Craig.

I wouldn't change him for anything.


I think I..

I Like Craig tucker.

Oh fuck.

"Earth to Tweek" Craig waves his hand in my face,

Shit my bad,

I snap back to reality and chuckle slightly.

"The sky is even prettier than it was last time we were here, don't you think?" Craig grins, he's such a nerd.

"Yeah there's more stars and the sky almost looks purple"

"Would be a peaceful night if it wasn't for that asshole" Craig deadpans, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Speaking of.. we should probably go back I don't want people thinking I've done something drastic" Craig rolls his eyes,

"Are you sure you wanna go back, I mean after all that? Not like go to your house or something.."

I'm thinking out of concern, can he handle that right now,

Hmm he's strong minded I guess but still..

"Yes I don't want people to think I'm out here trying to kill myself" he quietly speaks,

I nod not sure what to say, I didn't know that's what he meant by doing something drastic, hopefully everyone wont see him as that kid who tried to kill his self..

Craig's voice interrupts my thoughts as he calls down to the nice guy, before the wheel starts moving down again,

I jump of and Craig follows after me, I smile at the man,

"Have a nice night lovebirds" he smiles and winks,

"Thanks a lot" Craig smiles and waves back, he must really like this guy.

Wait why did he not deny the lovebird thing??

Well... that was awkward.

Craig's Pov

We stood outside the front door of clydes house, it was a lot quieter than i remember it being.

Guess we're doing this,

"You sure about this Craig?" Tweek half smiles at me, I can read the worry written all over his face.

"Promise" I smile back, as I open the door.

Immediately all eyes were on Tweek and I, the quiet whispers surrounding us.

Some of these fuckers have no shame, as I was deciding whether I was just going to ignore them or say something, someone spoke up.

"Mind your fucking business" the voice behind me spoke sharply,

None other than Tweek Tweak, damn so feisty.

Quickly everyone listened to Tweek and went back on with their business, like nothing happened.

"Want a drink Tweek?" I ask, Tweek nods.

We both head to the kitchen to be greeted by 3 concerned familiar faces,

"Craigggg" Clyde cried as he threw his self on me and clung onto me for dear life,

"Clyde get of me before I break your arms" I deadpan, though I'm secretly grateful for his presence.

Immediately he jumps back, with a goofy smile on his face,

"Hey man you good?" Tolkien asks I could see the concerned mom look on his face,

"yes I'm fine don't worry, I'm better than ever" though right now I'm a little shaken from everything, I'm being truthful, nothings changed other than Tweek entering my life..

Like I said I'm better than ever.

"Good, the rest of my cousins are boring, well Tricia isn't but still" Red says with a smirk on her face,

That was her way of saying I'm so sorry, you deserve better I love you lots cous..

Our whole family has never been good at showing emotions and expressing our feelings,


"Let's pretend it never happened, pass us a drink" i cheekily smile at them, immediately Clyde passes Tweek and I two cups.

"What is it?" Tweek asks while observing the alcohol,

"Something strong, you guys could use it" Clyde winks, before joining Bebe and Wendy.

I take a gulp of the liquid, immediately my throat begins to burn,

"Dude?!?! Is this straight vodka In a full cup??" I yell at Clyde,

"Drink it you'll loosen up" Clyde laughs, I hate him sometimes.

I watch Tweek as he sips it, he takes a few seconds to process, then begins to cough,

"Holy shit that hurts" he whined while pulling a disgusted face,

"Can't handle it" I raise an eyebrow, while smirking at him.

"Oh game on tucker" Tweek smiles before downing the whole cup.

Holy shit.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now