Chapter 1- 24 Hours

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Like every fairytale that has been told, this one began as we all know: I ran into the girl as she was leaving the library, and she was carrying these books that had all fallen to the ground. I helped her pick them up, and that is how I fell in love.

referring to Darcy, our Queen of Hearts.

These girls would have stuck in everyone's memory. They were the most well-liked girls on campus at the moment. I would never seen a stylish but nerdy girl like Darcy before; her beauty was beyond description, and she was the one I fell in love with.

Chloe was also gorgeous, the most popular and envious girl at MCI,

Let's go back to Darcy she was the type of girl who seemed to never get a B- in math or any other subject. If she does get a B-, she will not stop crying or trying to figure out what went wrong during the night.

This is the name of our college; it is one of the most well-known, priciest, and best in Atlanta; parents want their children to attend because they know they will learn valuable skills there that will benefit them in the future; it is also full of rules that, should you disobey or ignore, will have serious repercussions.

Rule number 55 stands out in my memory as one of those guidelines: "If there is a scandal on campus involving two individuals or more who are in a relationship that they refer to as love or being in love, these individuals or more will conclude this discussion in the college court; if it is something that can be resolved, so be it; if not, they shall be on their separate way forever, we will make sure of that; at least during their time on MCI."

In any case, the group consisted of four people: Ruby, Chloe's maid, Emma Darcy's best friend and the person who does not fear anyone. Just kidding, that is what they used to call her on campus because she was always willing to comply with Chloe's requests, even if they required her to bow before her. When that occurred, all I could hear was:

"Ruby bow before your queen?" Ordered Chloe

"Yes, Your Highness," she sounds so innocent

"Ruby, what are you doing?" protested Emma

"Chloe fuck off," also says, Emma

"Ruby, don't ever bow before anyone even if she was the President's wife if she can be a president's wife so can you,"

That is her, and part of the reason I fell in love with her in the first place—her constant attempt to project optimism while referring to Darcy, the sleeping beauty.

She was the second most popular girl in the group after Chloe, which is why Chloe was most afraid of her—or perhaps I should say jealous—because she saw her as a treat for her crown. I do not blame her—not only is she stunning, but she also has a magnetic pull on everyone around her. She is everything to be jealous of and ready to fight for. The only reason for this is that Chloe is the Dean's daughter.

Nevertheless, Ruby persisted in doing it despite their warnings not to because, to her, Chloe was a sister, even though that was not exactly what Chloe saw in her. I also neglected to mention that Chloe was narcissistic.

Then they went from being four to five and talked about that girl that everyone liked to bully because of her well-known name, Dora.

Following a demanding day on campus, I failed a few subjects that I never requested because theater was my major. However, the dean disputes this and asks me to stay for as long as she wants in order for me to make up the lost ground in a few subjects, including math, chemistry, physics, and biology. It is not difficult to discern my parents' involvement in this.

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