Chapter 26 - A choice really hard to make

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Elliott Pov…

The next day, early in the morning, Darcy was running outside while listening to music, and a few minutes later, i came from the other side of the street and joined her.

“Loving your day so far, my lady?“

“Yes, it feels good to be back, outside again… It feels like it's been forever, and you know what it would be better if I beat you in a race”

And she started running fast and me running after her.

I run so fan, and I catch her. Then I didn't know what was going on in my head. i try to kiss her. I suprise she was all down for it just to change her mind a few minutes later by turning her face and I stop.

After a few hours, we were jogging on the beach, riding bikes, and engaging in other romantic activities, but we were not kissing. I really want to kiss her right now, and who wouldn't?

She is attractive, so I wanted to divert her attention from him and offer her a better life free of toxic situations, one in which we can live and feel confident that no one would dare to judge us. Sadly, she has not arrived yet, so I will give her some more time to consider her options.

We had dinner at a classy restaurant later that day. We took a seat, began eating, and laughed and joked around endlessly. Strictly speaking, it was the three L's at work. Love, life, laugh.

“Not going to lie, I'm having a really great time” says Darcy

“You see, it wasn't that bad after all to come out and officially let everyone know that you are okay”

“Do you want any dessert” I continued

“No, I think I'm fine. Let's pay and finish everything when we get back home.” she said


Then I called the server.

“Yes sir, sorry I got here to assist you as soon as I can” Says the server

“It's alright,” I responded

“Now are we ready for dessert, I hope we have extra place cause as soon as you taste one of what is in the dessert menu. Believe me, you will ask for more” she stated

Then I look at Darcy.

“No thank you, the bill will be fine. Maybe another time” she said while she had a perfect smile on her face

“Alright then, hope to see ya'll soon. Now pardon me just for a minute”

“Take your time darling” she rambled

“I would have paid if my stuff didn't stay where I was being held, but if you do it today, know that I own you.” she continued

“You don't own me shit Darcy plus I was the one who invited you,”

“Thank you. Also, thank you for this unforgettable moment,”

“My pleasure, dear.”

After a while, she came back with the bill and handed it to us.

“You know what? I am a chef, so I would like you to taste one of my specialties. I'm sure you would ask for more as well!” I sighed

“Did you say that metaphorically or you're really know how to cook,” asks the server

“Yes, I am maybe a guy, but I do know how to cook,”

“Ohhh” simply says the server

“I did not quite get it, metaphorically like how?

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