Chapter 32 - D O O M S D A Y

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Black face POV

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Black face POV...

I came back to where she was being held all in a rush, not going to lie. I was mad as hell.

I make Jhon go to grab her and bring her to me whileI take the elevator to go up, all the way up.

"Let me go asshole, I don't have anything to tell him," she screamed

"Ferme la petasse"(shut the hell up, bitch) a dit Jhon

"You shut it, you are the bitch who think that he is invincible" she replied

"En voila un qui comprend Francais, tu m'as impressionner mais pas pour lontan" (Here's one who understands French, you impressed me but not for long)

"If you touch one of my hair, Brayden will kill you, fils de pute"

"It's like I told you I am impressed now let's go" continue Jhon

"I ain't going no where with you" she rebelled

"Allright then, you make me do this"

Then he carry her till the top of of the building where I was waiting for them, on the edge of the building.

"Bring her here" I said

Then Jhon did as I said.

I hold her on the edge, and say, "Now is your chance to tell me where they are or goodbye, bye Mary Jane, since Peter will not be there to catch you."

"No, please don't do that," she begged

"Then tell me the truth," I screamed

"I told you the truth already, I don't know shit."

"Ahhh!" I screamed cause. The next thing I knew, she kicked me on my balls, I suddenly let go of her, and she proceeded by running away from the edge. When I saw Jhon pointing that gun at her

I saw that I quickly intervened. "Hey, put that gun away. Are you crazy? She has nowhere to go anyway, " I said to Jhon, and he listened.

"Come on now, nowhere to go, or you can just choose to just tell me where they are at. I won't touch your family, only Brayden's that's a promise, " I continued

"You forget that Brayden family are also mine, so your promise ain't telling shit right now,"

"He did not put a ring on your finger, did he? All he did was abandon you, and you are still protecting him. "

"Okay, I will let Him pointing the thing at you if you don't want to be grateful," I screamed

"Grateful for what? you are sick, " she stated

"I am not, I am just a guy who wants to leave the pass behind and meet with his family once and for all. I'm telling you I want to do everything right, " I replied

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