Chapter 33 - Time to show your face

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P.S.: This chapter contains all sorts of violence and also a really important part of this book. Please don't read this if you have heart issues, high blood pressure, and certainly not. If you haven't seen the first chapter all the way down to chapter 32 and this chapter.

I hope ya'll enjoy this and let me know what you guys think of it, I am waiting. I hope you guys have a wonderful time reading this.

Thank you.

Darcy POV

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Darcy POV...

I was furious and upset when they left in the dark. Call it what you want. I then began to repeatedly strike the door with great force until I was unable to do so.

I take a seat on the floor and begin to cry.

I heard someone open the door abruptly, and since I was completely out of strength, I just stayed on the floor, leaning on my knees with my legs between my arm and my face.

Then I saw two people appear in the middle of the Darkness, I couldn't see their faces clear enough, so I said "Brayden"

And I heard that voice, and I immediately knew who it was.

"No, it's not Brayden, but he knows that we were coming for you"

And yes, I was right, it was Danny, and he was with a girl whose voice doesn't seem to be unknown for me at all.

"But he is waiting for you, and nice to finally meet you Darcy"

Then they open the light and appear in the clarity.

"Give me the address" I replied

"We are going to drive you there ourselves" she continued

"No you don't understand. He is in danger. Please give it to me now"

"Give it to her, Beautika" says Danny

"Do you guys have any motorcycle, anything fast?"

"No we came in a car, here"

As she handed the keys to me, I snatched it, not purposely, tho. I was about to run towards the car, but I suddenly stopped and looked at both of them.

"Thanks guys and you Beautika, it's also nice to meet you, in person" I said. Then I ran towards the car and suddenly stopped by someone in a motorcycle. when he took off his helmet, it turned out to be Javi, Brayden, a former driver whose now my personal driver.

He handed me a help and asked me to hop on. And I did as he said without asking a question. All I know is that we were heading where Brayden asked me to meet him.


A voice message is being sent by Brayden. "Hey Beautika, you won't believe what i just found out?... You remember I told that before my GP died, he told me that he found out that he has a daughter, one that he didn't know off till laying on his death bed. He continued by asking me to swear to him that I would locate her and put things right, but guess what? Today I just found her, she is so beautiful just like I always imagine if I had a aunty...she looks exactly like you to be honest, Cuz...but the worst part is I also found out who is your father. Spoiler alert he is a black face who also goes by the name..."

It was Dark, and while Brayden sent that message, he suddenly remarked that Dracy got off a motorcycle and ran towards him. He was at a crosswalk when he turned to look behind him and saw a car speeding toward him. When he realized what was happening, he gestured to Darcy to stop and stay where she was, but she ignored him and ran as fast as she could. When she reached Brayden, he pulled her behind him and concealed her from the car that was heading straight towards him.

It was too late to go anywhere as the car suddenly stopped in front of them but it wasn't too late to play it like Haley and the joker.

She was back to back with Brayden, and their clothes color was a match, black pants and black tops.

She was going with the flow, which was doing everything Brayden was doing with his body, and no one could have remarked. Tbh, it looks like they've done this before.

"Hands up now" asked Jhon

Brayden put his hands up slowly as Darcy followed while being in his back.

"Well, well, well, it's been a while since we've been looking for you" says Jhon

"Well, you weren't looking in the right places, now here I am brother, what can I do for you? it for a movie or what? And who are you again?" He responded

"Does that look like a casting call for you fool, you got a gun pointing right at you brother" exclaimed Jhon

"Oh my bad, I didn't see that, and you still haven't answered my question. And please tell your boss with a black mask on in the car that I declined cause that's not a way to make an enough playing games"

Brayden put his hands down slowly as Dracy tried to reach the gun in Brayden's back.

"I said hands up" screamed Jhon

"Wow, wow, wow, relax man, it's just me trying to reach my wallet so I can give a card to your boss so he can reach me if he is serious" sighed Brayden

Jhon smirked and continue "To respond to your questions, my name is Jhon Belize, I told you that just because you won't be there to remember"

He keep on smiling "all that because your dad fucked up with our businesses...enough talking let's go straight to it, my boss here is Blackface and he want to show you his face."

Black face pull down the window then take off his mask, Brayden saw his face while Jhon turn to point the gun back at him and shot him...Darcy say "Now turn" Brayden did as she said and then she pull a submachine gun and start to blast their car.

"Hello mother Fuckers look who's finally decided to also show her real face," sighed Darcy

Jhon who did not see that coming drop the gun buy accident and boom three bullets went through his chest. The driver try to drive away but unfortunately he also received a Buller through hid forhead while at it, black face got out of the car started to run away then a bullet went through his leg.

Bernard arrive and saw his boss was about to get shot at again then he take off his gun, boom and Brayden jump and received the bullet instead of Darcy.

Bernard try to shoot again but someone out of nowhere, deep in the dark saving them by shooting Bernard right in the head. Shawn was also there see that he panicked and run away so do the unknown who save them.

But who was that?!?

Brayden is on the ground looking at them running away then suddenly hearing that voice from a far then he heard it clearly.

"Brayden, Brayden are you okay? Please say something" Rambled Darcy

"Look at her all shiny, looking over me...I think I'm fine" whispered Brayden

"No you are not cause you are bleeding"

"Am I?"

And he passed out.

Then here comes Xolo with his back up and the cops plus the ambulances at all once. Also here comes Javi getting put the store seeing that, he was too stunned to speak.

Darcy screams with tears one more time "Please somebody help me,"

Darcy screams with tears one more time "Please somebody help me,"

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