Chapter 30 - How I became Black Face?

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Black face POV...

"26 years ago I got through a lot to become a diplomat, all that just to help the US and some people in this world who don't have no one to care for them, not the Gouverment, no one." I screamed

Then i take a deep breath, calm myself down to say.

"People like my mother, she was just a street vendor back in Spain, every morning she woke up then grab a big bag bigger than her to be honest, full of football Jersey, purse, Glasses and go to stand in the street to sell them. Her and a guy friend who i considered as my uncle at that time, since I did not know my dad, like she did not know any of her parents, no family, nothing. But thanks God, I had her the whole time she was my dad and mom at the same time. The Jerseys was the most selling stuff between them all, but little did she know almost all of them were fake. When I mean fake, I mean that the graphics came up pretty easily. Only one wears."

" And one day she got caught up standing by the same street she used to but unfortunately they were waiting for her, she succeeded by running away but the guy who was with her I told you, I considered as my uncle didn't make it...All that for what?...Just because they lost the game, we people who did not even have money to go and watch a match for even the 6 first minutes paid the price.

"Sorry to hear that," she said, trying to make me feel better.

I sobs "Anyway after two weeks of suffering cause we did not have any merchandise to sell so she can pay my school and also to feed me, we got two visas for the United States. When we arrived, things took a while, but we soon got better. Three months later, she fell ill, and I was the one taking care of her. Before she passed away, I made her the promise that, "I will become someone important to try to help the one in need, people like us." Individuals who, like us at the time, relied on selling goods like phony jerseys to make ends meet eventually turned against us."

"I went to school, studied every aspect of becoming a diplomat, and was successful. I had the pleasure of working with many amazing people, including Isaac Malcolm and the president at the time, who was only the vice president.

"The one who duped us and nearly forced us to declare war on Russia?" She inquired

I answered, "Yes, exactly—he was my best friend—and do not be so impatient; I will get there."

"So to continue, wonderful people like Grayden, when I met Grayden, I was in that job for about 15 years and him just started... so I help him through the process. "

"Until that one occasion when everything seemed set to collapse with the Russians—I am telling you, they bombarded each other for about 30 seconds—all because someone blew up a chemical company. Since we were already at war with the Russians, they assumed it was them." I press on.

The incident occurred in the middle of the thirty seconds I had given you. "However, it turned out that Malcolm, who was employed by the White House and oversaw the vice president's security, was the one who carried out the crime. When I realized this, I panicked. I was unable to take action. I hurriedly attempted to keep the war from starting while also trying to protect him, but I was unable to come up with a different plan in the interim." I explained

"Luckily, Grayden's son, who was visiting his father to kill time, discovered what I was trying to conceal from them while scrounging around for something to play with. And I was not angry with him because, at the age of thirteen, he received recognition for doing the right thing by saving his country, but at what cost?" I mentioned

"That's going to become my downfall... After everything calmed down, we were safe. At least i was convinced that we were. I came back here in the US to pass some time with my wife and daughter, but later one, I got a call saying that the FBI was coming after me. Not only they found out I was covering for my best friend plus as soon as they put hands on him he think that I betrayed him so he balanced me by telling them my biggest secret..."

"You Remenber that I told you that I promise my mom to help these people no matter what. So first of all, to get into that diplomatic school, I started by selling illegal stuff, like guns, being a Mafia to get the money. And then when I became a diplomat, I did not quit, I kept doing it. That was one of my biggest mistakes. " I added

"So it turned out that the bomb malcome blew up the company with was suddenly one of the illegal stuff I sold."

Then she interrupted me by asking, "Except that in the book, they said that the friend lied, so where is the lie if you really sold it to him? and you never bring up the fact that Malcolm did it."

"That was a false statement; I have never sold anything like a bomb. He only lied because he knew I was the one who discovered what was happening and I was the one who had him arrested.After that unknown number called and informed me about the FBI, I left my wife and my fictitious Son behind and fled."

She began to look at me strangely, so I said, "Do not look at me like this, obviously he was not mine."

"My name was cleared up quickly. Not only did they lack sufficient evidence, but a friend of mine revealed Malcolm's true identity, and he passed away shortly after. Everything went with him. I was given a new job, which is terrible because it is not at the embassy and is not what I did before, which was resident representative."

"But you are black face how could he be a friend of yours since you were the one who killed him while in prison," she rambled

"This is what I am telling you: in the brief period of time it took for my name to be cleared, I had already changed. I had people working for me all over the world; I was no longer the straightforward man whose mother had died trying to support him, nor the one whose career had been destroyed by a small lie, turning me into Black Face. The person who knows every country in the world but the US."

"So that explains why you are pursuing Grayden?" Her question

"I knew you were intelligent, and now you are with me. You could solve that puzzle a lot sooner if you had a phone or a book, but sadly, nothing I told you got through—it is confidential, stays at the embassy, and the book did not cover everything."

As you can see, it never mentions me as a diplomat or my employment at the embassy or the White House, though it did make reference to palaces and kings and queens. Things from the past... so please provide the real address where the government conceals Grayden's family. Something that belongs to me is there...please" I started begging.

"But I just heard you said a few minutes ago that they tricked you by thinking that the filles was in the US," she exclaimed

"You heard wrong my dear, I said how can they have the filles and trying to trick me by thinking it was in the US...They can't trick me if it's in the US, can they? So it's all a game..."

"Believe me, they don't have shit or else you would have heard helicops or cop's sirens everywhere by now, and I would've known. Grayden first concealed it because he did not know what it was, but it is where his families are.I can tell you that they are aware of one thing: after discovering what it was, they are sending someone to investigate; it could be either Brayden or Grayden. But i'm going to put a D behind it, just saying" I carry on

I was going back and forth when I abruptly stopped and became serious.

"Please tell me where the fuck they are," I yelled out of rage.

"You can detect when someone is lying, now look at me in the eyes while I'm telling you this... I have no fucking clue where are they. Plus Brayden and I wasn't in the same place as them"

I bend down slowly to look at her in the eyes, and when I am done admiring her, I get up quickly and turn my back on her about to leave the room, and then I add on my way out

" just so you know, I wrote this book and yes I did not say it was Malcome but now that last detail was me putting a ring in your finger, we are married now, so you are doom to be with me in that miserable life forever!!"

"No, you can't do that. I tell you the truth... you monster, " she yelled

"Hahaha, bye my love, see you soon,"

Then they shut the door, and it's all became dark.

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