Chapter 14 - The masquerade ball

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Darcy POV—-)

I was at the pool when all of a sudden, a man with striking black hair that was just the right length pulled back from his face and secured with a hair tie. His good looks caused me to become temporarily blinded, almost drowning in his gaze. Then I saw Brayden, the honey bather, come over to stand by the swimming pool.

“Hello handsome, do you want to come in?“

“Nah, but thanks, I'm just going to chill here for a second” Brayden responded

I swim to the other side of the pool, He's eyes never come off me, I see that and I come back.

"It occurred to me that, with everything going on, we hardly ever get time to go out and enjoy ourselves by ourselves. But I might change that… There's a masquerade ball tonight. Will you come with me?“ He proposed

“With pleasure, but isn't it a little bit late now? cause I don't have anything to put on for tonight”

“Let me see” He takes a look in his watch, and he continue “it's 2 p.m., so I think you have all the time to do this”

I left the pool quickly and was on my way to go shopping he grabbed me by my hips, pulled me closer to him, and started kissing me.

“At what time does it start again?“ I asked him will wrapping my arm around his neck.

“5 pm” He responded


“I believe if you go now, you'll make it on time,” He said

“But you refuse to let go of me. How did you expect me to go now if you keep holding me like this... He heard me admit, though, that I truly enjoy this moment and do not want it to end. Then he grabbed my ass and I let I moan out.

“Oh pardon me madame” He said while he let go of me

"Grrr, I detest you," I uttered.

“Why, what did I do?“

On my way out, I turn and look back at him. He winks at me, and we smile at each other.

Upon arriving at my preferred dress store with my driver Javis, I inquired, "Are you, by any chance, an expert in purchasing dresses?"

He replied, "Yes, I am Miss Darcy. When I was with my wife, she was a model, I was the one who frequented the dress shop. May I now ask you why did you ask?"

"Because I already know you have a sense of style from the way you dress when you are not working, so I was not wrong, was I?" As he opened the door of the shop for me, I answered.

“Not at all. Is that a compliment, miss?“

“Yes, it is ended, I'm so sorry to hear that your wife left you. She's the one who's messing” I responded

“Well, it's not like that. i mean, she's dead. She had alzheimer. It's been 5 years now”

“Oh shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't know” I responded.

It was sad hearing this. Because life says otherwise, even though he is so sweet and deserves better. How come sometimes life can be so cruel?

“No, no, no, you don't have to apologize for that miss” he said without hesitation

“My sincere condolences!”

“Thank you. And also thank you for the compliment cause got a sincere compliment from a queen of fashion like you, it's not every day you see that, you make my day” Wow, how sweet

“Aww!!! Well, not gonna lie. I don't really know anything about fashion, but I know exactly who to call” I responded while making my way towards my purse to grab my phone.

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