Chapter 23 - Just a rumor part 1

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Nicholas POV…

After the news, everyone was going crazy. Some of them questioned themselves and others panicking. The question they keep asking was “is the actual ambassador really the one he is pretending to be, or was there an unknown between us all along”

And between them was Vicxa.

“I believe you heard of the rumor, right?“ She asked me

“Yes but it's like you said it's a rumor, and a rumor is not always true” I responded, trying to calm her down

“Let's hope not cause obviously we never met him till now so no one really know if it's him behind that mask or someone else…if it's someone else, it's not going to end well, believe me”

“how can it be someone else when we heard his voice, and when Grayden approved that it's him, what kind of witchcraft that would be?“ I said, trying to be sarcastic

“With Grayden, you can expect anything you know that better than me and with his son, may I remind you that he created the most successful game ever made so it can seem like a game to him”

“Yes, I agree with all you just said, but I believe in Brayden more than anything “ I stated

“Okay, but you put your trust on the wrong person once again and I'm going to prove that to you…when I thought you've learned your lesson” she shake her head, then she started to heading toward the ambassador room with the other CIA agents following her.

“where are you going?“ I asked

“My job, Nic, there's an imposter in here that we have to unmask, we have to do this now” she stated

So I run and stand before them, trying to stop them from entering the ambassador's room.

“I can't let you do that, vic”

“Why are you protecting him. You just met him” she screamed

“He's not the one I'm trying to protect Vic. It's you. Cause this room is contaminated” is stated

“Then you didn't give me a choice” she said.

What is she even mean by that.

Then she turned to the other agent and say “ Grab him”

Then they grabbed me.

“I'm going to show you that there is no virus and no Brayden… that it's just a game” she added

And suddenly, Grayden appears.

“What the hell is going on here?“ He asked. Confused as hell.

“Mr. Pierce, stand back, or else you are going to be the next”

He scoff

“Aren't I already the next. In a matter of fact I am the first, it's all happening because of me…he shouldn't be there In the first place, his girlfriend Is being held by God knows who and he is still here. It's all my fault,  like every single one of you is saying in your head right now…" Explained Grayden

''it's all his fault. He is the one who should be arrested." Some of you even think that I am Black face, aren't you?…I get that you have lost trust in me but not him, so yes, you should grab me in his place” continued Grayden.

Vicxa didn't even think twice. She ordered them “grab him”

The next thing I know is them keep on going towards the ambassador's door.

“What are you guys waiting for, the ambassadors' permission? He ain't shit right now, I am, so now open that fucking door” she yelled

And then they knock the damn door down and when they get in what they saw will left them speechless.  She was the first one to get in by the way and the first one to scream.

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