Chapter 31 - Initiating project Jollof

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Brayden POV...

I got out in the room long after the president left to go to senegal, and everyone began to look at me.

"I am no longer your ambassador," I stated.

They started whispering around, and I continued, "Since my mission here is complete, so the president withdraw me from my duty,"

"But you are not done here, we still don't know who black face is" Nicholas said then he look at everyone around him and add "We still don't know if he is one of us"

"That is unfair," says Vixca

"Yeah, you guys are right. It's not entirely complete, but ya'll seem to forget who Grayden is. "

They were all shaking their head as a sign of agreement with me.

"And the president said that I have a choice so I choose my priority number one, which is going back to the US and find my girlfriend. So, from now one your ambassador is Grayden Pierce, and no, no one here is Blackface or work for him. "

They start to clapps.

"But I got one last thing to do here before I go... Nicholas, is he here yet?"

"Yes, sir, it's been a moment,"

Then I suddenly head to that particular one office. When I got in, I closed the door behind me.

"Sorry for making you wait, I guess you are the representative of Iran. Right?

"Yes, you are right, and I've been here for quite a while, plus no one came here to offer me a cup of tea or whatever," he exclaimed

"Once again, sir, I apologize...Nicholas..."

"Yes, sir."

"Please bring me a pot of tea and two cups."

"No, I got better. Today is my birthday since it's going to be too late to celebrate when I got home. Why don't you guys bring me some cake instead? " the Iran representative rambled

"What?" Then I look at Nicholas. We both look confused.

"Don't you want to know what is really going on?" He whispered

I nodded.

"So just do as I said."

Then I looked at Nicholas once again, and I nodded, and he went after the cake.


He interrupted me by raising his finger and saying, "Mmm, mmm, I ain't saying a word until I eat my cake. After all, it's all your fault. If I can't celebrate"

I heard him and I stayed quiet for a while and then came the cake and some champagne and we sang happy birthday to him.

"Better," He said

He started eating, and a few minutes later, he began to talk.

"We do not have anything to do with that guy, I won't say his name cause I don't want to evoque him,"

"Well, our secret is also yours, so who else would want to go after Project X if it's not you?" I asked

"You already answered your own question 'your secret is also ours' since we are the only one who knows about it and believe me we were a fool coming up with that project without thinking that it could cause so much damage...look, it's already is so now think twice of who else would want to come after it If I already told you it wasn't us" He exclaimed

I think twice, and i reply, "One of our own"

"Bingo, you are smart," he said

"Believe me, we weren't thinking back then. You heard of hell, right?" He continued

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