Chapter 8 - The trip to france

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The director began to discuss the purpose of our trip to France at the airport prior to our arrival in France.

Greg "All right, everyone, let us get started. We are heading to France to shoot a few scenes, and if you happen to be here, it is only because you are in one of the scenes that we planned to shoot there. We will not be filming there for longer than a week. Therefore, we only walk on French soil for work purposes and never for fun."

Everyone begins to jeer.

"I am not done yet, so hold on and pay attention.All I am trying to say is that many people, including myself, are on the cru who are working on other projects and cannot remain in France for an extended period of time." he continued

He surveys the room, and we all just stand there listening to his words before he continues.

"We will begin work as soon as we arrive and attempt to complete these five scenes as soon as possible. If that does not work out, we still have one or two days left, so you guys can enjoy it."

They all broke into a cheer.

"That does not mean we will rush things because we need quality content,"

They begin to jeer once more, but Greg—who is a really cool boss—just smiled and acknowledged that, well, it is impossible to travel to France and to visit no place at all. He just smiles and calls for us to come talk to him about Beautika and me, saying things like, "So Brayden and Beautika, I am all yours."

After a few hours, all I knew when we landed was that Beautika and I were roommates. I am not sure why they did that, but I had a bad feeling I would not be able to focus because, come on, did you hear her name? Beautika is everything a man could hope for; her lips were pursed and shiny red, and every time she smiled or spoke, it seemed to be saying "kiss me now."

Red must have been her favorite color because every time I see her, she is always wearing it—even if it is not her actual color—and she exudes an intense thirst, akin to a vampire searching for blood and her next victim. Do not get me wrong, though; this is just a description for the other men who are out there who are dreaming of someone like her, but it will not be me because I am already taken.

“Things are getting interesting. Look, who's my roommate” she said as soon as she got in

“Oh yeah, don't feel too comfortable. It's only for one week”

“Well, I don't want much, that's all I ask, for you to fall I'm love with me” She responded, I forgot to add that she is so confident

“Really? So that's how the others always fell for you. You just gave them one week?“

“Believe me, they would have been obsessed by now,” she said while giving me that killer glance

“I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I'm not the others,” I said, trying to protect myself from her

“Are you sure?“

“Yes,” I responded confidently

“What have I done to you to make you dislike me like this?…oh cause I am a journalist, right?”

“Not at all. You are a really mysterious, intriguing, successful person for that I idolize you!!” I stated while trying to fix my stuff on my side of the room

“Is that a first compliment? Thank you!!”

“No…” I stopped doing what I was doing for one second and continued “whatever,” but i was still trying to avoid eye contact. Then I keep going.

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